“How did they die?”
Stephan didn’t look at me. Instead, he focused on the water. “Their plane crashed on the way back from New York.” He paused. “I should have been with them.”
“I’m sorry.”
He turned to me and smiled, but there was no joy in it.
I reached out and touched his face. We stared into each other’s eyes. I understood the loss, the emptiness that he still felt. I wanted to help him, but I didn’t know how.
The air grew heavy around us, and he leaned forward. He brushed his lips against mine before cupping my face and deepening the kiss.
Although he’d kissed me many times, there was a raw emotion, a sadness that I understood. He was still mourning his parents just as I was my mom. It was something I doubted would ever go away for either of us.
“Brianna.” He moaned against my mouth. There was something in his voice, almost a sound of desperation. I slid my arms around his neck and held on, letting him take whatever he needed from me.
He snaked his hand up under the hem of my dress, lifting my backside. Stephan had barely finished speaking before he raised me up, positioning me farther back on the rock. Moments later, he was on top of me, his weight pushing me against the hard surface. He found my mouth again with his, and he hitched my leg over his hip. His arousal was pressed firmly against me. Only our clothes separated us.
His hands were everywhere, roaming over my clothes and underneath the hem of my dress. I clung to his shoulders, his hair, anything I could get my hands on. I loved kissing Stephan, but our clothes were beginning to frustrate me. I wanted him closer. That we were outside didn’t matter. He needed me, and I wanted him to take what he needed.
Our breathing became harsher as the intensity increased. My back scraped against the rock, and I briefly wondered if the dress would survive. He tilted my hips so I could feel more of him, and I forgot about anything else other than him.
Stephan kissed down the column of my neck, buried his head in my shoulder, and began mumbling. I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but I was so far gone I didn’t know if that was because he wasn’t making sense or if I wasn’t able to comprehend.
He shifted us again until his mouth hovered over mine. Our breath mingled, and I could taste him on my tongue even though our lips weren’t touching. Stephan stared into my eyes. He ceased breathing for several seconds. Neither of us moved. It was as if time stopped.
Our breathing slowed as we continued to look into each other’s eyes. The pained look that had furrowed his brow was gone. Pleasure filled me at the knowledge that I’d helped drive that haunted look from him. The love I had for him beat hard in my chest, and the need to tell him clawed its way to the surface. “I—”
We both turned at the sound of Dr. Cooper’s voice. To my surprise, Stephan laughed. “Well, I guess this will confirm any lingering doubts Richard has about our relationship.”
He pulled away from me, and I instantly felt the loss.
Stephan helped me to sit up. He checked the back of my dress and grimaced. “I should regret making out with you on a jagged rock like a horny teenager, but I don’t. Are you hurt?”
“No. I’m fine.”
He smiled and kissed my lips just as Dr. Cooper came into view. When I caught sight of Stephan’s uncle’s face, I knew he wasn’t going to keep silent. I only hoped they didn’t start fighting again. Not because of me.
“Brianna.” My uncle’s voice was tight but pleasant enough as he greeted her. When he addressed me, however, there was a distinct edge. “Stephan.”
I helped Brianna down from our rocky perch before turning us both toward my uncle. Brianna’s hair was a mess. The back of her dress had tears from where it had scraped against the rock. Luckily, it seemed her dress got the worst of it. I didn’t see any broken skin through the small rips, but I’d have to verify that once we got home.
Pulling Brianna to my side, I addressed my uncle. “You were looking for us?”
He pressed his lips together, and I could tell he was measuring his words carefully. Richard had promised he wouldn’t say anything to upset Brianna. For her sake, I was glad he was trying to uphold that promise.
“I wanted to say good-bye. The hospital called. One of my patients was admitted, and I want to check on him before it gets too late.”
I knew he wanted to say more. The small vein in his forehead was pulsing. It was a telltale sign of his agitation. I ignored it. “Thanks for letting us know. I hope your patient recovers.”
My uncle dragged his attention away from Brianna’s disheveled dress and back to me. “I’m sure he will. From what they tell me, it was minor, but I’ll feel more comfortable overseeing things myself.”
That was one thing my uncle and I had in common. I’d learned to delegate over the last two years, but it wasn’t something that came naturally to me. Richard was the same. It was probably the reason we butted heads as often as we did.
“Stephan, may I speak privately with you for a moment?”