Page 78 of Truth

3. I was good in school.

4. I like to read.

After that, I was stuck. I didn’t know what else to add. It was so much easier to think of the bad things.

It was then I understood why Stephan was making me do this. It was easier to remember the bad things. Unfortunately, that revelation didn’t make it any easier to come up with positives.

I was still pondering what else to write when Stephan came back down. This time, he walked directly behind me and read what I’d written. “Good girl. It looks like you’ve made some progress.”

“Yes. A little.”

He massaged my shoulders, easing tension I hadn’t realized was there. “Getting hungry?” My stomach grumbled. “I guess that answers my question.” He chuckled as he continued to work his magic on my upper back.

I closed my eyes, and for several minutes I forgot about the list I was making and relaxed into his touch. My skin warmed under his fingers. I tilted my head forward and groaned when he slid his hands up over my shoulders to rub the skin just above my collarbone. His touch was completely innocent, yet it already had me craving more.

Stephan kissed me softly just below my ear, and I sucked in a breath. “Take a break and go freshen up. I’m going to make us some sandwiches for lunch.”

Before his words sunk in, he was already in the kitchen. I watched him for another minute, thinking about what he’d done to me earlier that morning, what he might do later. My heart sped up at the thought.

He glanced in my direction. “Are you not ready for a break?”

“No. I mean, yes. I would like a break.”

He smirked as if he were well aware of what I’d been thinking. I forced myself to move.

When I came back, he already had two sandwiches ready. I sat down beside him at the island, and once he’d started eating, I did the same.

“Have you had any more trouble with the voices?” he asked.

“No.” I didn’t know why they were leaving me alone, but I wasn’t going to dwell on it. They were gone, and I was hoping they stayed away.

He smiled but didn’t comment. We finished the rest of our lunch in silence.

All too soon, it was time to return to my assignment. Even though I finally understood the why of it, it didn’t help me get it done any faster.

I managed to add another four things to my list by the time he came back downstairs again.

5. Like to write.

6. I have made two friends, Lily and Jade.

7. I’m a good listener.

8. I like that I can make Stephan smile.

The last two had come back to back. They were sort of related. I loved listening to people but especially Stephan. He was always trying to get me to talk, but hearing him tell me about his day, his life, when he was growing up... I loved being able to just sit and listen.

“Have you taken a break recently, Brianna?”

I noticed it was almost five. “No.”

He frowned. “You need to get up and walk around every once in a while, or you’re going to put undue strain on your muscles.”

“Yes, Sir. I’ll do better.”

When I didn’t get up, he crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his head to the side. I jumped up out of my seat and walked quickly to my bedroom.

As I stood in front of the mirror washing my face, I took a moment to look at myself. Really look at myself. I was happy. That was something I liked about myself. I wasn’t frightened all the time. I had long periods where I wasn’t focused on what had happened to me and was just... happy. I smiled, pleased that I’d come up with yet another item for my list.