“Morning.” I was still trying to catch my breath from the orgasm he’d just given me.
He smiled wider and crawled his way up to kiss me, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. I could taste myself, smell myself, and I could feel his erection pressing against the inside of my thigh.
Sliding my fingers through his hair, I clung to him as he continued to kiss me. Heat was building again between my legs. I kissed him back with everything I had, waiting, hoping he’d move just a few inches and push inside me.
Just when I thought I would go crazy with the need to have him inside me, he shifted his hips just right and filled me. I would never get used to how good it felt being with him like this.
His movements were slow, measured. With every thrust and retreat, the pressure coiled tighter and tighter until I was once again ready to explode.
“Not yet,” he warned. “I’m not quite done with you yet.”
He propped himself up, causing me to lose my hold on his hair, and moved one of my legs, then the other, until my knees were resting on his shoulders. He leaned back down, stretching the muscles in my legs as he pushed them up flush with my chest. I was effectively pinned to the mattress, and for some reason, knowing he had me completely trapped and at his mercy didn’t scare me. It had the opposite effect. Like when he held my arms down, I knew he would keep me safe, protected.
With this new position, he penetrated deeper, and his thrusts turned harder and faster. I climbed higher and higher. I was right there, on the verge of climax, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come for me.”
He pounded into me three more times before I was screaming out my orgasm. My whole body shook, and I reached out, trying to hold on to something, anything. He grabbed hold of my hands and held tight, letting me ride out the ripples of sensation coursing through me.
When I finally became aware of my surroundings again, he’d released my legs and was placing featherlight kisses on my neck and collarbone. When he stopped kissing me and rolled off me completely, I frowned. I didn’t want him to stop.
Stephan propped himself up on one elbow and laughed at my expression. “No need to be sad, sweetheart. The day is young.” He ran a single finger from the tip of my nose, down over my lips, my throat... all the way down to the junction between my legs. “Trust me. I’ve in no way had my fill of you today.”
A shiver of anticipation ran up my spine at his words even though I’d just climaxed twice in a matter of minutes.
“For now, though, we need to hit the gym. I want to work on the self-defense moves Brad showed us.”
He got out of bed and padded over to his closet. Reluctantly, I went to my room to get my clothes, my legs feeling like there were no bones left in them. I had no idea how I was going to work out in the gym.
For the next hour, he encouraged me to try to get away from him. We started with him grabbing my wrist, just like the night Brad was there. I did better but was still only able to break his hold about fifty percent of the time.
When he saw I was getting frustrated with that, he’d moved onto the second technique. This one was a lot harder for me. I was supposed to run my foot along my attacker’s—Stephan’s—lower leg, and then stomp on his foot. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t hurt Stephan. He kept telling me it was all right, to give it my all, but the one time I really tried I ended up in tears, so he stopped.
I hated that I couldn’t do better. He’d explained to me why he wanted me to learn this, and I understood. It made sense. But logic didn’t change how I felt.
After showering and eating breakfast, Stephan had me sit down at the dining room table. He stood by my chair, holding my journal out for me to see. It was as if a lead weight had settled into the pit of my stomach.
Instead of handing it to me or placing it down on the table in front of me, he flipped through some of the more recent pages. Then he took a paperclip I hadn’t noticed before and clipped several pages together.
“I don’t want you reading the pages I’ve placed between this paperclip unless I’m around, understood?”
I knew that tone. “Yes, Sir.”
“Today, I want you to write down ten positive things about yourself in your journal. They can be anything as long as they are about you and they are positive. It can be something about yourself you like, not a thing but a personality trait. A physical feature. A talent. Anything.”
I nodded in understanding although I had no idea how I was going to accomplish such a task.
“Let me be clear, Brianna. You will sit here until you finish, even if it takes all day. You may get up and go to the bathroom if you need to, and I will allow you periodic breaks to stretch your legs and eat. Other than that, I expect you to be writing or thinking about what to write.”
“Okay,” I whispered weakly.
“I’m sorry? I didn’t hear you. What was that again?”
“Okay, Sir. I understand.”
“Good. I have some work to do today. If you need me, I’ll be upstairs.” He handed me my journal, leaned down, and placed a kiss on the top of my head.
I watched him pick up his laptop and disappear up the stairs. With each step he took away from me, the feeling of dread increased. How was I going to come up with ten things?