“I know. I arrived home Saturday night to find our dining room table had disappeared. She’d covered it with fabric samples, different types and colors of paper, ribbons, sketches... I know there was a method to her madness, but I couldn’t find it.”
I laughed. “Sounds like her desk. I was down there last week and almost didn’t find my way out.”
He smiled. “You seem happy. Things must be going well with Brianna.”
I didn’t get to answer him before our server came back to the table with my water. We both placed our orders, and I waited until she’d disappeared again behind the partition.
“She’s still having some issues, but I’m not sure those will ever completely go away. Our relationship, however, has improved, yes. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I’d like to have Brianna watch you and Lily in a scene.” Logan nearly spit out his water, but I ignored him and continued. “Nothing overly complicated, of course. I was thinking some simple bondage. Spanking. That kind of thing.”
“You don’t think seeing us like that will freak her out?”
Feeling the need to be honest, I answered in the only way I could. “I truly don’t know. She’s asked about my ropes. She saw me use them on her father. I’ve also given her a swat on the ass here and there.”
“There’s a big difference between a swat and a spanking, Stephan, and you know it.”
“Yes, I do, which is why I think it would be good for her to see a spanking involving a couple she knows, who are in a consensual, loving relationship. Brianna’s seen and experienced so much negative. I’m only beginning to scratch the surface in getting her to realize that much of what she’s experienced as negative can be positive when done the right way and with the right person.”
“And you think her seeing Lily submit to me would do that?”
“I think it could help, yes.”
Logan took several drinks of his soda before responding. “When did you want to do this?”
“Next weekend. I’d say this weekend, but we have some things to deal with that can’t be put off.”
“You’ll do it?”
“I need to talk to Lily first, but I don’t see a problem, no. We’ve played together at parties, so she’s not opposed to people watching. My only concern is her concern for Brianna’s mental well-being. If we’re in a scene, I need to know she will be focused on me, not Brianna.”
“I understand. I’d feel the same way.”
We spent the next half hour catching up on our lives over lunch. Logan was rarely home anymore for longer than a week or two at a time. When he was home, he was catching up on things at the hospital and spending time with Lily. It didn’t leave much room for anything else. Even now, he was planning to go on a quick trip to Chicago next week. Luckily, he’d only be gone until Thursday, and he wasn’t leaving again for at least another week.
Stepping off the elevator back at the office, I noticed the new CFO waiting with the finance manager outside my office. Neither looked very happy, so I was hoping they didn’t have bad news.
“Hello, Michael. Sheila.”
“Sorry to catch you just coming back from lunch, but we needed to talk to you.”
“Sure. Let’s go in my office.” I motioned for them to go ahead inside while I instructed Jamie to please hold my calls.
Sheila appeared rather nervous when I entered my office. Michael’s expression was more confused. I took a seat behind my desk and waited for one of them to start.
“We were going over some of the numbers for the second quarter. Specifically the ones allocated to the fall fundraiser.” Michael handed the papers to me. “The highlighted parts are what I’m most concerned about. We’re going to go over the numbers again, but there’s money that can’t be accounted for.”
I looked over the figures in front of me. It wouldn’t be obvious unless one compared the pages carefully. “Have you double-checked the first quarter reports?”
He nodded. “So far we haven’t found anything, but we’re still looking.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Coleman. I should have caught this before. All the reports had to cross my desk before they came upstairs.”
“I’m sure you didn’t do it on purpose, Sheila. Do you think you’ll be able to track down the source?”