Page 37 of Truth

She nodded and proceeded to top off Samantha’s cup along with her own. “Samantha, dear, let’s get one thing perfectly straight. I will not have you interrogating anyone in my home, especially a sweet girl like Brianna. If you continue to do so, then I will have to politely ask you to leave. It is your choice.”

Samantha didn’t answer immediately. Instead, she glanced back and forth from me to Diane as if searching for some answer.

“I meant no disrespect, Diane. I’m just concerned.”

Diane picked up her coffee and took a sip. “While I’m sure Brianna appreciates your concern over where she acquires her clothing and jewelry, you and I both know that isn’t the reason behind your inquiries. I don’t know what my husband has told you, and I don’t care. You are making Brianna uncomfortable, and I won’t tolerate it. Are we clear?”

Samantha didn’t comment.

“Are we clear?” Diane asked again. At that moment, I could see Stephan in the way she held herself, the tone of her voice. It made me miss him, even though he was only a few feet away. I glanced toward the opening that led to the kitchen, and willed him to walk through.

I was so focused on the doorway that I jerked when Jimmy appeared. Disappointment settled into the pit of my stomach when I realized it wasn’t Stephan. Jimmy walked over to where his wife stood and whispered something in her ear. She nodded and stood.

“Thank you for the delicious meal, as always, Diane. I’m afraid the hospital called, though, and we need to go.” He turned to me. “It was nice seeing you again, Brianna.”

I nodded, not sure what to say back. He seemed like a nice man.

Movement drew my attention away from Jimmy and Samantha and back to the doorway. I smiled when I saw Stephan.

He strolled over to me and kissed my cheek before trailing his lips up to my ear. “Come. I want to show you something.”

As we left the room, I saw Dr. Cooper reenter the dining room. He looked pensive but not angry. I was hoping that meant he and Stephan hadn’t fought again. I wasn’t crazy about Dr. Cooper, but he was Stephan’s family. They should get along.

We entered the foyer as Jimmy and Samantha were walking out the door. Jimmy waved good-bye. Samantha managed a tight smile. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what she’d been doing. For some reason, some people wanted to make Stephan look like he was hurting me. He wasn’t. Ian had hurt me. All those men he’d given me to had hurt me.

Even my father.

Stephan was the most wonderful man I’d ever met. He cared for me, and he never forced me to do something I was uncomfortable doing. People might not understand, but that didn’t make them right.

“Everything all right, Brianna?” Stephan asked as we stopped in front of a large picture. It was the same one I’d noticed when we’d arrived.

“Yes, Sir. I’m fine.”

He hugged me close to his side before moving me to stand in front of him. Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me back against him and laid his chin on top of my head. “This picture was taken two years before my parents died. I was twelve.” He paused. “I remember not wanting to get dressed up, but my mom insisted. Now I’m glad.”

“You miss them.”

“Very much.” He paused. “Their names were Katharine and Ronald.”

We stood there for a long time looking at the picture of his family. He didn’t say any more, and I didn’t ask. There was something about just standing there together that was comforting. I didn’t want to do anything to change that.

Chapter Twelve


We ended up staying at Dr. Cooper and Diane’s house until almost seven. After we finished looking at the picture of his family, Stephan offered to give me a tour of the rest of the house. The last two times I’d been there, things had ended badly with Stephan and his uncle fighting. This time, things seemed to be better between them, even if everything wasn’t perfect.

My favorite room had to be his old bedroom. It was at the back of the house, and outside one of the windows was a large oak tree. He explained to me how he used to climb down the tree and sneak out to meet Logan. I tried to imagine it, but all I kept seeing was a younger Stephan, all dressed up in a suit and tie, trying to climb down the tree. The image caused me to giggle, and Stephan made me tell him what was so funny.

We were standing at his bedroom window laughing when Diane found us. She’d brought photo albums with her. “I thought you might like to see these, Brianna.”

I looked up at Stephan, making sure it was all right, before going to sit beside her on the bed. Stephan sat down on the other side of me, placing a hand on my back. Eventually, Dr. Cooper joined us.

I loved seeing pictures of Stephan as a little boy. The stories Diane told helped me get to know Stephan better, too.

It was beginning to get dark by the time we said good-bye. His aunt and uncle walked us to the door. Diane hugged us both and asked us to please come back soon. For the first time, everyone seemed happy.

Stephan only drove about a mile down the road before he pulled off to the side, unbuckling his seatbelt and mine. He took my face in his hands and kissed me hard. “I’ve been wanting to do that for hours.” He pressed his fingers into the back of my scalp, holding my head firm in his hands. With every exhale, I felt his breath brush against my cheek in heated waves. “I’m so proud of you. You were amazing today.”