Page 19 of Truth

“What kind of sandwich would you like? Lily brought a little bit of everything. I think maybe she bought out the store.”

“Very funny, Stephan.”

He chuckled and then turned his attention back to me. Although he didn’t say anything more, I knew he was waiting on me to pick a sandwich. I reached out with my free hand and took the one closest to me. He tightened his hold on my fingers for a second before releasing them and unwrapping his own sandwich.

Over lunch, Stephan and Lily mostly talked business. There was supposed to be a board meeting on Friday to approve the new chief financial officer. He would be the man taking Karl Walker’s place at the foundation. From what they said, he sounded like a nice man. I could only hope he was nothing like Karl and would leave me alone.

Once we were all finished, Stephan stood. I knew he’d be leaving soon, and I didn’t want him to go.

“Stop looking so sad,” he said, gently cupping my chin. “I’ll be home before Lily has to leave.”

I nodded, and he leaned down to give me a kiss before strolling across the room and disappearing into his bedroom.

Lily began to clear off the table, and I jumped up to help her. She smiled but didn’t say anything. It made me wonder how much she knew, how much Stephan had told her. I didn’t care that she knew, exactly, but I didn’t want her to be disappointed in me, too.

We’d just finished wiping off the table when Stephan reappeared. He’d changed his clothes and was now wearing a light blue shirt with a pinstriped jacket and tie. As he walked toward me, it felt like something was flip-flopping in my stomach. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt it—Stephan had a way of making my body react in ways I was only beginning to understand.

He came to a stop in front of me and pulled me into his arms. “I’ll be in a meeting this afternoon, but if you need me, call.”

I nodded.

“I want you to talk to Lily today about waxing. I know you’re nervous, but I think she can help you with that. She can answer any questions you have.”

I pressed my lips together and nodded again. He ran his thumb along my bottom lip until I relaxed my mouth, then cupped my cheek and tilted my head to bring it at exactly the right angle to meet his lips in a kiss.

There was nothing soft or gentle about this kiss. He nipped at my lips with his teeth before plunging his tongue into my mouth and taking. By the time he separated his mouth from mine I was panting and holding on to his arms, fearing I might lose my balance since I was so lightheaded. He was breathing hard, too, but he was smiling down at me.

He pressed one short kiss to my forehead before turning to leave. Then he walked across the room, picked up his briefcase, and opened the door. Seconds later, he was gone, and I was left alone with Lily.

I stood there unmoving for a while, staring after him. He’d said I needed to talk to Lily, and as much as I didn’t want to, I would because he asked it of me. I also had to return Cal’s call. After weighing my two options, I decided I would try Cal first. Without saying anything to Lily, I went to pick up my cell phone from where it had been charging overnight and dialed Cal’s number.

“Anna!” His voice was so loud, I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second.


My voice shook slightly. I wanted to talk to him, but at the same time I didn’t. John had been to see him, and I had no idea what he’d told him. Would Cal believe my father or me?

“How are you? Are you all right?”

“Yes. I’m all right.”

He released a loud gush of air, and I could hear how relieved he was. If he was happy I was okay, that had to mean he believed me, right? I walked over to the couch and curled up into the corner, pulling my legs under me.

Lily was still in the kitchen, but I could tell she was listening. The thought crossed my mind that maybe she’d tell Stephan and he’d be upset, but I knew better. Stephan told me I could talk to Cal any time I wanted. I locked gazes with her for a second before refocusing on my phone conversation.

“I’m glad you aren’t hurt, Anna. I was worried. Did Coleman tell you that your dad came by my place last night?”

“Yes,” I whispered.

He paused.

“I’m sorry he scared you. If he was anywhere near as worked up with you as he was when he got here, I know you had to be frightened. He told me what happened. Not every detail, but the basics. He thinks Coleman is the one who took you and that he’s brainwashed you.”

“He’s not like that. Stephan has helped me so much. He wouldn’t hurt me.”

“I know you believe that, but... Anna, I’ve heard rumors. About Coleman. I don’t know if they’re true or not, considering the source, but I want you to be careful. If you ever need or want to leave him, you call me and I’ll come and get you, all right?”

“What rumors?”