“He said he’d found Anna and that, other than being scared witless, she looked okay. That she wouldn’t leave with him, which considering what you told me...” Ross paused. “He also said you tied him up and questioned him. He’s got some pretty nasty red marks on his wrists.”
Reeves’s all-out confession to Ross didn’t surprise me. I was sure he’d been livid when he left here. Ross was a family friend who lived nearby. Of course he’d go there to vent his frustrations.
“Yes, I did.”
Ross was silent for a long moment.
“Is she all right?”
“She’s fine.”
He snorted again. Could the man hold a conversation without all the theatrics?
“Would you tell me if she wasn’t?”
I smiled.
This time he chuckled.
“Well, at least you’re honest.”
Considering Ross had been forthcoming with information about Reeves being in town, I decided I would be nice. “Brianna’s finishing her breakfast right now, and we have a few things to take care of after that. I’ll let her know you called, and if she wishes, she can call you back this afternoon.”
“I just want to know she’s all right. John was really upset last night. I hope you have something in place to keep him away from her.”
“Did he say something to you about returning, trying to take Brianna away again?”
“Not in so many words, no. It’s just that I know John. He’s not one to give up. I know you think he’s responsible for what happened to Anna. I don’t know if that’s true or not, but it’s what Anna believes. He loves her, though. I know he does.”
“His love for Brianna is irrelevant.”
“How can you say that? He’s her father. He’s the only family she has left.” This conversation was quickly giving me a headache. Besides, Brianna was finished with her breakfast, and Danny was already packing up his tools.
“I’ll let Brianna know you called.”
He sighed in frustration.
“Okay. Fine. Whatever. Just have her call me.” Without another word, he hung up the phone. His lack of manners never ceased to amaze me.
After placing the phone back on the receiver, I walked over to Danny. He stood at my approach and smiled.
“Everything is all set up, Mr. Coleman.”
He then proceeded to show me how everything worked. The camera was positioned so that not only could you see directly in front of the door, but it was also at enough of an angle that you could see anyone approaching from the elevator as well. He demonstrated by walking down the hall toward the door, activating the motion sensor.
He’d installed a flat-panel screen into the wall that resembled a small television. The picture was crisp and clear. It was exactly what I’d wanted.
Once I signed the paperwork, I thanked Danny for coming over so promptly and saw him down the hall to the elevator.
He shook my hand again as he left. “Call me if you have any questions or problems, Mr. Coleman.”
Walking back into the condo, I noticed Brianna was still sitting at the table. Her plate was empty, her glass drained, and she had her hands folded neatly in her lap. I strolled over to her, and picked up my own plate I’d left on the table when Ross called. I could see her pressing her lips together, broadcasting her nerves.
“Grab your plate. We need to clean up, and then we need to talk.”
Brianna’s shoulders slumped slightly, and I saw her flex her fingers before she nodded and stood. With the way she was acting, I had a feeling I really wasn’t going to like what she had to tell me.