Rounding Tom’s desk, I found Brianna curled up in his leather chair. She had her arms wrapped around her knees with her legs pulled up to her chest. In the closet, she’d done the same thing. I’d realized months ago she was trying to make herself as small as possible. She was trying to hide.
I touched her face, and this time she didn’t cringe away from me. “Brianna. Look at me, love.” She raised her head and met my gaze. “Good girl. Are you all right? Did he hurt you?”
Brianna hugged me, nearly knocking me off balance. I should have been used to her abrupt reactions by now, but I never seemed to be prepared enough.
“No. He didn’t hurt me.”
“Excuse me.” A male police officer loomed over us, and Brianna ducked her head against my shoulder, shielding herself from the officer. “Are you Brianna Reeves, the one who has the restraining order?”
I shifted our positions slightly so that I could face the officer. “She is. I know you’re going to need her statement, but we’re going to need a female officer. Brianna is not comfortable around men she doesn’t know.”
He looked me over with curiosity. “And you are?”
“Stephan Coleman.”
It took the officer a second before he recognized my name. “You run The Coleman Foundation?”
“That’s right.”
He nodded but continued to observe the way I was holding Brianna. I knew he was only doing his job, but I didn’t like it.
The officer walked away, and Michael appeared. “I think you may want to call your lawyer.”
I looked up at him in confusion. “Why is that?”
Michael motioned across the room where Jonathan Reeves was now handcuffed and talking to an officer. “He’s telling the cops why he’s here. And he’s telling them about you, and what you have to do with his daughter.”
He didn’t need to say any more. I reached into my pocket, without losing my hold on Brianna, and retrieved my phone. Oscar was on speed dial, which was good since I could already see the officers looking our way. It wouldn’t be long before they insisted on talking to me.
“Davis and Associates.”
“This is Stephan Coleman. I need to speak to Oscar immediately.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Coleman. He’s in a meeting.”
“Get him out of it.”
She hesitated only a moment before placing me on hold.
I looked at Michael. “If for some reason I can’t finish this call, I need you to explain to Oscar what’s going on and get him down here.”
Michael nodded. I knew he was still weighing what I’d told him and whether to believe me or not, but I was glad he seemed to be giving me the benefit of the doubt.
One of the officers was headed my way. “Oscar, I need you to get down to my building. Now. The police are here, and I have a feeling they may try to arrest me.”
His curse rang loud and clear through the phone. “Stall. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
I’d barely disconnected the call when I heard the officer say, “Mr. Coleman, I need to speak with you. Privately.”
Reluctantly, I separated myself from Brianna. “Stay here with Tom, Brianna. He’ll make sure you’re safe.”
She nodded and curled back into her ball in the chair.
I looked to Tom, and he nodded.
The officer led me to the far corner of the room. I could no longer see Brianna, and that made me nervous, but I had to trust Tom would watch over her until I could get back to her.