Page 10 of Truth

He stepped back, and I immediately felt the loss of his heat against me. Without a word, he took my hand, and we walked into his bedroom.


After the stressful afternoon Brianna had, I wanted to make the evening as relaxing as possible. We needed to talk about what had happened with her father, but that could wait. She was already stressed out. Making her relive it so soon after wasn’t something I wanted to do. While waiting on the pizza to arrive and Brianna to pick out a movie, I’d sent Jamie an e-mail letting her know I’d be in late the following day. I’d also asked her to send a security company over first thing in the morning to install a camera outside my door. What happened earlier would never happen again. I wanted a video panel installed that would be motion-activated from the outside and display anyone standing outside our door. The peephole was obviously not enough.

When checking my phone, I’d noticed a missed call from my lawyer. I listened to the message, but it wasn’t anything I hadn’t already figured out on my own. Jonathan Reeves had lost his tail. Reeves deserved some credit. He must have realized he was being followed, and once he’d gotten free, he’d worked quickly. I’d need to call Oscar eventually, but tonight was about Brianna and making sure she was okay. Instead, I’d sent him a quick text letting him know I received his message.

There were still a lot of unanswered questions, like how Reeves had gotten into our home. There were no signs of forced entry, so I had to assume she’d let him in on her own. It was obvious, however, that she’d not welcomed his arrival. So how had he gotten through the door without breaking it down?

Once we were inside my bedroom, I brought her to stand at the end of my bed and began to remove her clothing. I didn’t stop until she was completely naked. She was beautiful and sexy and absolutely perfect. I cupped the back of her head, twisting her hair around my hand, and pulled her against me.

Feeling her body pressed to mine, seeing the trust in her eyes, was a high I couldn’t explain. Her trust meant more to me than any gift I’d ever been given, and I hoped I’d never lose it. She deserved everything in life, and I wanted to be the one to give it to her.

Her nipples hardened as she swayed against me, and my body responded. I had no idea if I’d ever be able to resist her. Sex wasn’t what I was setting out to do tonight. I wanted to give her pleasure, yes, but I wasn’t worried about me. She was what was important. She was always what was important. Her needs had to come first, and tonight, she needed to forget about everything.

I ran my free hand down her back and cupped her ass. She twitched, and I smiled. Releasing her, I took a step back.

“Lie down on the bed, Brianna.”

It took her a few seconds, but she complied.

“Slide closer to the edge,” I instructed, showing her where I wanted her.

When she was finally in place, she lay on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, her knees bent, and her hands and feet flat. She was completely open to me.

I knelt between her legs and placed my hands on her inner thighs. She was watching me.

“What number, Brianna?”

“One, Sir.”

“Good girl.” I smiled.

She was already moist and ready for me. I couldn’t wait to dive in and taste her delicious pussy again, but I wanted to address something first. Pubic hair on my partners wasn’t something I particularly cared for. It got in the way and was plain inconvenient.

“I want you to talk to Lily about getting this waxed,” I said, touching the fuzzy hair between her legs.

She stiffened, and her legs jerked as if she were thinking about closing them.


She didn’t answer.

I waited.


“Tell me why.”

“It... it hurts. And...”


“I don’t... I don’t want anyone else to touch me. I don’t... not like that.” She shook her head, looking as if she were about to cry.

I rubbed her thighs, trying to comfort her. Had Ian made waxing sexual, too? Was there anything that man hadn’t perverted for her?

“Brianna, I want you to talk to Lily about it, because it’s something she has done as well. I was thinking she could go with you. She would stay with you the entire time and make sure nothing would happen to you other than getting the hair removed.”