Page 56 of Slave


As soon as he left me, I collapsed on the floor sobbing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He’d been so happy this morning at breakfast and now . . .

He was acting like everything was okay, but I knew it wasn’t. I would be lucky if he only took my books away. It had been insane for me to ask him not to, to ask him for anything but that.

If it were Ian, he would have taken them away just to spite me on top of whatever else he had in mind. But I had no idea what Stephan would do.

Wiping my eyes, I got up off the floor, walked into the bathroom, and removed my clothing one piece at a time. As I stepped into the bath the last of my tears dried up.

The water was warm and inviting. It only added to my confusion. Why did he want me to take a bath? I couldn’t think of any type of punishment where I would need to be clean and smelling like . . . coconut?

Taking a deep breath, I decided not to worry about it for the thirty minutes I was alone. Closing my eyes I ordered myself to relax. This was just another example of how nice my Master was. Whatever punishment I had to endure later, he was giving me a chance to collect myself first, and I was grateful. Maybe now I wouldn’t embarrass myself again by begging as I had earlier.

I felt the tears returning to my eyes.

“Beg me.”

The images started to flood back through my mind.

“And what do we have here?”

“I found her trying to get out the back door again, Master.”

“Tsk, tsk, Brianna. You know better than to try and escape.”

His cool voice held a level of menace unlike I’d ever heard in my previous life. Before I knew what was happening, my head was wrenched back hard. I could feel it all the way down to my roots.

“Please,” I pleaded.

“Please?” he mocked. “Please? Please what, Brianna?” Then he was in my face, and I could feel every syllable he spoke. “YOU. ARE. MINE!”

Suddenly, he released my hair. In the next second he grabbed my arm and wrenched it hard behind my back. The force of the movement caused a searing pain through my entire limb and a distinct cracking sound, causing me to yell out.

“Please. Please. I’m begging you.”

“Oh, Brianna, you are learning aren’t you? Now. BEG ME!”


My screaming filled the room as my arms flew about me in an effort to make it all go away.

Suddenly, I wasn’t in the water any more. Strong arms were wrapped around me, and the most soothing voice in the world was chanting my name. It was the last sound I heard before my eyes drifted shut and sleep claimed me.


I’d just put the finishing touches on our sandwiches when I heard a blood-curdling scream come from Brianna’s room. Dropping the knife I had in my hand, I raced toward the sound.

What I found when I entered her bathroom caused my chest to clench painfully. Her arms were flaying about as if they were trying to fight off an unknown attacker, and her body was slowly slipping farther and farther down into the water.

Without thinking about the fact that I was fully clothed or that Brianna was naked, I reached into the tub. Amazingly, she didn’t fight me as I scooped her up and pulled her into my arms. She was sobbing, and her body was shaking as I brought her onto my lap.

“Shh, Brianna. You’re safe, sweetheart. No one will hurt you here.”

I kept repeating my mantra until I felt her calm and slowly begin to relax in my arms.

It wasn’t long before I realized that she’d fallen asleep. She’d had a long and trying day today. It was no wonder she was tired.