Page 40 of Slave

Right on time, I heard the key in the door. With a flick of my wrist, I turned the sauce to simmer and took my place on the floor.

His steps were solid as he walked toward me. And just like Saturday, his hand found its way into my hair. “Good evening, Brianna.”

I took a chance and answered, “Good evening, Master.”

The fact that I’d answered seemed to please him as the tips of his fingers grazed my scalp before his hand left me. “Stand,” he said, his voice warm.

Lifting myself up, I stood, still keeping my eyes on the floor. I saw his right hand twitch slightly and thought he was going to touch me again, but it remained at his side.

“Dinner smells wonderful. Is it ready?”

I nodded. “Yes, Master.”

“Very good,” he said, taking a step back. “Set everything on the table, and I’ll be back in a minute.”

As soon as he disappeared into his room, I went into the kitchen and started putting everything in the serving dishes I’d found. He had such a well-stocked kitchen. Everything I needed was there and then some.

By the time he walked back into the main room, I had all the food on the table and was standing close by. Keeping my head lowered, I waited for him to approach me. He came to a stop in front of me and this time he did bring his hand up to touch my face very lightly before sitting down in his chair. “Join me, Brianna.”

I took a seat and waited for him to fill his plate before hesitantly reaching to fill my own. We ate in silence for a while, and he seemed to be enjoying what I’d prepared.

Sometimes I found myself watching his hands and remembering how often his touch had calmed me, but then the knowledge of the other things those same hands could do brought me back to reality. It was like he was tearing down my defenses and that scared me more than anything. He would hurt me just like Ian did; it was only a matter of time.

When he was finished, he patiently waited for me. As I lay the fork down on my empty plate, he reached out to lift my chin. Once I was looking at him, he released me. “I’ve arranged a vehicle for your use this week until we can find you something more permanent. I also spoke with Brad, and he’ll be here at eight thirty tomorrow morning. I expect you to give him your full cooperation,” he said, looking meaningfully at me. I nodded.

He looked like he was going to say something else, but the phone ringing cut him off.

Master stood, leaving me at the table waiting while he spoke with whoever was on the other line. When he hung up, he didn’t come back to the table. Instead, he instructed me to clean up and that he would be back in a few minutes.

I waited to get up and do as I was told until after he had walked out the door. It didn’t take long to put everything away and get the dishes into the dishwasher. When everything was done, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself; but only moments later, he came back through the door.

Instead of walking toward me or addressing me at all, he went to his bedroom and disappeared. He was gone for a couple of minutes and then walked back out as if nothing had happened.

Master walked over to the same plush chair he’d sat in the night we’d talked about my school paperwork. And just like that night, he told me to come to him. I went and he extended his hand indicating that, once again, I was to sit on his lap.

When I sat down, his arm came around me just as it had the other night. I was still nervous, but not as much as before. His touch was different when he was displeased with me; it was firm and almost detached. Right now, his touch was calm and gentle. I had no problems sitting here all night if that was what pleased him.

I kept my head lowered as he began to speak, “I have some things for you.”

His hand reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone and a key ring with a remote attached. He held them out for me, waiting for me to take them, so I did.

Looking them both over, I noticed the key was for a BMW. I wondered if it would be similar to the one he drove. The phone was nothing overly fancy, but it wasn’t a basic model either. Of course, it could have been just that for all I knew. I’d never owned a cell phone before, but this one fit his personality, if that made sense, and nothing I’d seen of his yet struck me as low end.

After allowing me a few minutes to look them both over, he had me open the cell phone and we went through how to use it. He’d already programmed his numbers into the phone for both cell and work, but he’d also put Lily’s in there.

I couldn’t help the smile that covered my face and he noticed. His free hand drew light patterns on my arm. “You like Lily? You enjoy spending time with her?”

“Yes, Master. Very much.”

“Well that’s good then. She has invited us over for dinner Thursday evening.” I smiled at the knowledge that I’d get to see Lily again in a few days.

“I also spoke with my lawyer. He was able to locate copies of your records and is sending them via messenger to my office tomorrow. I was hoping to have them today as well, but apparently he encountered a little trouble.”

My brow creased and the smile on my face disappeared. Trouble. Where would he have gone to get the information? Dallas or Two Harbors? I really hoped it was Dallas, but I was putting my money on Two Harbors. Dallas had no reason to give him trouble.

I felt Master shift his weight and suddenly I was flush against him with my head on his shoulder. But for once, I wasn’t scared of him. He wasn’t the monster I was afraid of.