I smirked. “True.”
Richard’s attention went back to the x-rays. I felt the air around us become somber again. “This girl has been hurt. A lot.”
Then he proceeded to explain to me just how much. His fingers glided over the picture of bones that meant nothing to me but told him stories I needed to know. Her ribs had been broken and then re-fractured before they could heal properly. There was also evidence of a broken arm. All of the injuries appeared to have happened within the last six to twelve months.
“I didn’t exam her chest too closely. She seemed very protective of that area,” he said as he removed the x-rays and placed them in a large yellow folder.
“I know. I noticed that, too.”
He raised his eyebrow in question. “You don’t want to know.” The truth was I didn’t want to tell him. I was still trying hard to forget my “inspection” of Brianna last week.
I thought for a moment that he was going to push for an answer, but instead he tucked the folder under his arm and strolled back down the hall. It had been at least ten minutes since we’d left Brianna.
Before he could go in, I reached out my hand to stop him. He turned back, looking at me curiously. “There are deep bruises on the inside of her thighs. I put something on them but . . .”
He nodded and then knocked on the door lightly before entering. This time I remained outside.
When the door closed, I changed my clothes as fast as I could, making sure to stack my things neatly in the corner on the floor. Master said the doctor would be nice to me and so far he had been, much nicer than the other one. But then again, so far I had been clothed.
That was about to change. I knew what was coming. And even though Ian had passed me around to his friends whenever they asked and sometime when they didn’t, I still felt the panic building inside me.
Would my new Master watch? Ian liked to.
I lay back on the table and tried to keep myself calm with steady deep breaths. It would hurt less. At least that’s what I had to keep telling myself.
When the door opened again, only the doctor entered. So my new Master wasn’t going to watch.
Dr. Cooper smiled at me, and I hoped that meant he wouldn’t be too rough.
He walked over to the counter and put on two latex gloves. No! I felt all the panic I’d been trying to get a hold of rip through me. Oh please, please no. Gripping the side of the padded table, I tried to calm down, but it was useless. I hated anal sex. It hurt so much. Ian said if I’d relax it wouldn’t hurt, but I could never manage it through my fear.
That’s when I realized I’d begun to feel safe or safer in my new home, at least. Why had I been so stupid? It wasn’t a home. I’d never have a home again.
I felt his hand on my leg helping me to slide forward to the edge of the table. I pinched my eyes shut trying to block it out, trying to prepare myself for what I knew was coming. Each of my legs was lifted, spread, and placed back down, leaving me completely exposed.
His hand fell away, and I began counting the seconds before he took me. Would he use lubrication or take me raw? One of Ian’s friends had done that once, and I’d bled. I squeezed my eyes tighter, not wanting to relive that memory.
Then someone was prying my hand from the table. I opened my eyes just as my Master’s hand came to rest on the other side of my face. “Shh, Brianna.”
It was then I felt the tears. I was crying. He must be so disappointed in me. Even though he didn’t sound angry, I knew he must be.
What if he took me back? What if he gave me back to Ian, or worse, sold me to someone else?
I felt the panic rising again. “I’m sorry, Master. Please, forgive me. I’ll do anything you want. I’m sorry. Please, please don’t send me back.”
His hand was caressing my face now, and it was then I noticed his eyes. They were the most striking color I’d ever seen; green, but with just a hint of brown. “Shh. I’m not sending you anywhere, okay?” Then he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my lips.
I opened my eyes, and he was still there. No one had ever kissed me like that before, and although I knew I should look away, I couldn’t. The look in his eyes wasn’t sexual at all. It was . . . comforting.
Then I felt Dr. Cooper between my legs again and felt my body stiffen. “Shh,” said my Master. “No one is going to hurt you, Brianna.”
There were two options. I could try to struggle, which I already knew from experience would do no good, or I could try to relax and just live through this as I had before.
I chose the second option but to my surprise, Dr. Cooper didn’t do anything remotely sexual. There was an odd feeling as he pushed something inside me but that was it and whatever it was disappeared after a few minutes.
Then he was gone.