But my cock hurts, my balls ache, and my wife is running back to her friends and deserting me on our wedding day.

“For fuck’s sake.” I flop back in bed and swing my arm out to slap my bedside table. I search blindly for my phone and hiss when my pinkie connects with the corner of the cabinet. But I find the device and hate, hate, hate how my thoughts go to Fletch next.

Shaking my head, I snatch up the damn phone and unlock the screen, and dialing his number, I bring it to my ear and wait only a moment for the call to connect.

He’s a cop, through and through. Even in the Caribbean.

“What?” He’s still half-asleep. Half-dreaming. “I’m on vacation, Archer. Fuck off.”

“We have a window to go onto the island today.”

Silence hangs for a beat. Nothing but the gentle waves outside and the call of birds searching for their breakfast. Until finally, “What?”

“The girls are gonna be busy at the salon or some shit. Which means you have two hours to get in, make your arrest, get out, and be at my wedding.”

“Just me?” He releases a long, loud yawn that reminds me I’m still in bed. And not twenty fucking seconds ago, I was balls deep inside my wife. “You coming too?”

“To make an arrest?” I clarify. Because I’m sure as fuck not coming inside my wife. “Yep. I’m clear to make the trip. We’re leaving the Malones here, though. They can take care of Moo.”


Breakfast is served in the main dining room by waiters in black and white. With silver trays and platters overflowing with the traditional breakfast trappings. Coffee flows and the scent of bacon is surely pulsing through the open windows thick enough to draw all the biggest sharks closer to our boat.

Though no one else seems concerned.

Tim is absent from our meal completely. Though it’s no secret he ceases to exist until afternoon. And add in the time change between here and Copeland, and there’s no way he was coming out so early to deal with people he hardly tolerates.

I sit with my friends. My family.

The people I was so sure I would dislike on my first day at the George Stanley, as I walked across the lobby in search of my new office and was harangued by a woman with pink streaks in her hair and a small body wrapped in a puffer jacket.

Aubree Emeri was, and remains to this day, the loudest person I have ever met, and she was so intent on making me her best friend. Add in Fletch. Tim. Fifi. Then came Felix,Cato, and Micah. And now I have this whole family of brooding workaholics who love fiercely and rarely, if ever, follow the law.

Picking up a slice of bacon and biting off the end, I smile as Aubree watches the door.Tim’s not coming yet, girlfriend. And Fletch, who fusses over Moo and fills her plate with scrambled eggs until it overflows.

“I could come into Montego Bay with you,” Cato announces, his eyes burning the side of my face in search of the attention he so desperately needs to survive. “I could be your escort.” He bounces his brows. “Your security detail.”

I take another bite of bacon and smirk. “I think we’re gonna be fine.”

“Maybe you should have a security detail,” Archer agrees. He turns to me, his jaw almost touching the side of my face, and his aftershave settling deep into my lungs. “You still get your spa day. You get your massages and time away from the guys, but Cato keeps watch.”

“I would take offense to your slight,” Cato drawls, “if not for the fact Iwantto go. We’ll deal with your disrespect another day.”

Archer completely ignores the youngest, silliest Malone. “Mayet?”

“Nope.” I set the last of the bacon strip into my mouth and pick up my coffee to finish things off. “We’re good. The four of us are going in. We’ll?—”

“Four?” Debbie sits at the end of the table and swings her head around. “What? No.” She waves me off. “I’m good.”

“It’s hair and makeup,” Aubree growls. Dragging her eyes from the door, she brings them around to the woman who’ll blow our cover if she doesn’t catch up quick. “Youneedto come with us.”

“I don’t need a massage. And I can do my own hair and makeup.”

“She wants to stay here with me, anyway.” Felix tosses his arm over her shoulder and smirks. “She’s busy. Sucking my?—”

“Do not finish that sentence.” Fletcher claps his hands over Mia’s ears and sneers. “I can never trust the shit you’re about to say,Capo. And my daughter doesn’t need unfiltered access to your thoughts.”

“What?” Laughing, Felix takes Debbie’s hand in his and plays with her fingers. “I was gonna say lollipop. Why do you insist on being inappropriate all the time?”