She came to me somewhere around midnight. Her footsteps light, her camisole tiny. Her hair braided in two, which, I suppose might’ve been a crime Aubree committed. But she came to me, and damn, but that was my favorite part of the evening.
Bad luck. Traditions. Omens. All that shit aside, we’re getting married today, and at no point yesterday, or ever, really, since committing to this woman, did I agree to sleep separately.
“Mmm…” Drawing in a long, slow breath, Minka begins to wake. Her thighs grip me, and for just a moment during that in-between phase, where she’s waking up, but not quite there yet, her body becomes heavier. Deliciously and completely draped over mine. “Archer?”
I press a kiss to her head and squeeze her tighter. I’m not ready to let her go. Not ready to release her from this bed andshare her with a dozen of our closest friends and family. “I’m here.”
“Time is it?”
The sun is already up, and the sky is clear blue through the sheer curtains that cover the glass doors. We’re not in our regular suite, since the women commandeered that for last night. Instead, we’re in a guest bedroom. Not as big as our normal room. Though still luxurious and comfortable.
Turning my head, I peer across and spy the clock on the bedside table. “Just after seven.”
She releases another moan and snuggles in tighter. “Time to get up in a sec. Gotta sneak back to the other room.”
I cough out a quiet laugh and simply daze in the gentle bob and sway of the boat. I glide the tips of my fingers over her thigh and inhale the scent of her shampoo deep into the depths of my lungs. “Lots of sneaking. Aren’t you ashamed?”
“No.” She sleepily smacks her lips. “Sometimes we have to sneak to save hurt feelings. What did you guys get up to last night after we left?”
Felix whined. Tim plotted. Cato attempted to sneakinwith the women. Fletch worried about Moo. Micah asked Tim about his claim on Aubree. And we talked about the poison case we’ve been running in secret.
Felix doesn’t agree with poisoning. It’s weak.
Cato would prefer a much more eye-to-eye kind of crime.
Micah agrees a gun and-or blade would be best.
Tim called everyone stupid.
And in the end, it was decided that Fletch would like to visit the island at some point before we head home tomorrow. But none of that is information for my wife. So I shrug. “Nothing, really.” I fold my head back and create a second chin. But I’m rewarded with perfect brown eyes as Minka glances up and grins. “Had a couple of drinks. Hung out. Caught up.”
“Did you talk work?”
“No. I’m on vacation, and it would be shitty of me to not follow the same rules I’ve set down for you. But we talked about Moo. She’s been enrolled for kindergarten in the fall.”
“Is Fletch freaking out about it?”
“Fletch is always freaking out. He’s always got something prematurely aging him. But,” I place a finger beneath her jaw and draw her in until our lips touch. “It’s our wedding day, which means I want to talk about us. You nervous?”
Without hesitation, she shakes her head. “I was way more nervous the first time around.”
“Second time is for the pros. Picked your dress?”
She rolls her eyes. “Yes.”
“You gonna sit out on the deck today and chill with the girls? Everything is planned so you have nothing to worry about.”
“Catering is done,” I press. “The captain will officiate for us. Our guests have arrived. The dining room will be transformed today by the staff. Music is taken care of. We literally just have to…” I press another kiss to her lips. “Chill.”
“Actually, Aubree organized hair and makeup on the island.” She glances down and presses a seductive kiss to my nipple. “It was her gift to me, I guess.”
“On the island?” I grab her jaw and force her back up to look into my eyes. “You wanna go back to Montego Bay?”
“Yeah. There’s some spa over near where we were the other day. We’ll be primped and waxed and all that stuff brides are supposed to have done leading into their wedding. I said no to nails, since I’d have to pick the paint off in two days, anyway. But she really wants the massage stuff done. And the pedicure.”