“Uh-huh…” Still, my eyes remain narrowed. “Sounds awfully… relationship-y to me. And on my wedding day? You broke the lumberjack, Aubs!” Finally, I crack a smile and take pleasure in the wayhercheeks pale. “He was dark and dangerous and mysterious and mean when I met him. He would murder anyone who disturbed his sleep, paint the walls with gray matter unless you were cute, and he was welcoming no one into his family and the space he and Arch created. He’s the first-born son of a mafia don. But now he’s thinking of you when he passes antique stores? That’s pretty sweet.”
“I didn’t break him. He’s unbreakable.” Scowling, she turns when the door creaks open again, Mary poking her face through the gap. “And there’s no relationship.”
“Yet,” I tease. Bringing my focus to the door, I smile in expectation. “Hotdogs on sticks?”
“Affirmative,” the older woman grins. Then she straightens out and gestures back the way she came. “And they’re ready for you.”
My stomach drops with nerves. “Now?”
“Now.” She inclines her chin. So freakin’ regal and shit. “Please don’t leave Archer waiting for long. It would break his heart.”
“Oh god.” I spin in search of my forgotten paper bag and breathe. Breathe so deeply, my chest lifts and my dress shifts to accommodate the extra size. “Holy shit, guys.”
“Stop.” Aubree comes around to stand in my space until I see nothing but her. Nothing but sky-blue eyes, and long, long lashes. “You already married him once. That was yourtry before you buytest drive, and hell, you’re still driving. You know what you’re getting when you sayI doa second time. You know you love him. So calm the hell down and be the hard-ass doctor I was promised way back in December.”
“I’m a hard-ass.” I swallow my nerves until I feel the slide in my throat. Then nodding, I repeat. “Iama hard-ass.”
“You’re the youngest chief medical examiner in the history of Copeland City,” she presses. “You stand up to crooked jerkoffs in power.”
“You killed the mayor your first week on the job,” Fifi, oh so helpfully, adds. “Made my job a living hell.”
“You like hotdogs on sticks!” Mia announces. “And you shout at Uncle Arch sometimes, even though he’s super strong.”
“You married the fricken mafia,” Aubree whispers. She holds my hands and forces me to meet her stare. “You’re a beacon of strength for an entire city. That’s hard-ass.”
“You’re gonna be fine.” Christabelle smacks my ass so I know,I know, her print will mark my flesh by this time tomorrow. “Buck up, Doc. You’ve got this.”
“Oh my gosh,” Aubree releases my hands and spins, a flurry of noise and excitement, as she dashes to the far wall and snatches up bouquets. “It’s time to do this thing.”
Music plays on the breeze. Seagulls fly overhead, searching the water below for their next meal, and on my left, my brothers line up the way I think we were born to do.
Timothy bred us to be soldiers. To create a front more formidable than any other in New York City. He wanted us to stand together and run the world. But hedidn’twant us to stand against him. And he didn’t want us to stand with love.
In the end, his soldiers tossed him aside for a new order. We’ve elected Felix our leader, and on my wedding day, the five of us reunite with love.
Not in all my life did I expect this would be our reality. But I take a sick sense of satisfaction knowing Timothy would be rolling in his grave.
He wanted emotionless soldiers.
We ended upus.
“She’s taking her time.” I wait under the sweltering sun in a button-up shirt that flutters in the breeze and with hands that sweat. Moisture dribbles along my spine, leaving me withnausea rolling through my belly. “What are the chances she got lost on the way?”
Fletch snorts. “Women are always late to these things. It’s tradition.”
“But Mayet isneverlate.” I drop my hands into my pockets and finger the jewelry inside. “She’s neurotic and weird. She doesn’t observe traditions when they don’t make sense. And being late for the sake of being late is one of those things she’s not gonna get on board with.”
“Shut up. You’re being a little bitch.” Felix’s nose turns up in the air like a bloodhound on the scent. Then his eyes shoot toward the doorway leading outside, his lips curling into a smug grin when Christabelle wanders out. Her gown touches the floor and her long hair dangles over her shoulders. She carries a bouquet in her hands, and though her role today is to walk for the bride, she looks only at Felix. She sees only Felix.
“It’s happening.” Fletch moves closer to my left until our shoulders touch. “She’s coming.”
“I feel like I’m gonna puke.” I draw a heaving breath and finger the bauble in my pocket. “This feels bigger. It feels different.”
“First time was spontaneous and a little desperate,” he murmurs. Our line shifts as Aubree comes next. Her dress, glittering under the afternoon sun. Her smile, brighter even than the highlights in her hair and the sequins of her gown. Tim shuffles nervously. His jaw twitching, which, to the casual onlooker, would be a non-event. But to me, to a brother who loves him, it’s so much more. “First time,” Fletch continues, “you were shot, and Delicious was facing twenty-five-to-life in prison?—”
I tear my gaze from the women walking our way and pin my best friend with a glare.