“We can have two anniversaries every single year.” I slide my arm around her back and pull her close enough to elicit a grunt of surprise from the base of her throat. Then I spin, stealing her spot on the chair and setting her on my lap until her fiery pussy stops on my already-hard cock.

Her eyes widen, but then her cheeks warm deliciously.

“You’re really gonna marry me twice?” I set my hands on her thighs and massage. Tease. Taunt, as I come perilously close to her apex. “You’d do that for me? Even though we both know you loathe this stuff?”

She leans forward and drapes her chest over mine. “In the middle of the ocean where it’s just me and you?” She nips at my lips and hums. “No audience. No pressure. No drama. You ask so little of me, Archer, and this week, you want me to reaffirm that I love you? Yeah.” She slips her tongue forward and taps my lips. “I’ll do that for you. I’ll do it every year if that’s what would make you happy.” She glides her core across my lap and moans when we touch at the exact right angle. “Aubs is gonna bepissedwhen she finds out, though.”

“Hence,” I feel that phone in my back pocket. Digging into my rump and weighing me down like an anvil. “You’re on lockdown.” I push her dangling hair back and clear her neck for my tasting. “You won’t be speaking to her anyway, which means you won’t be tempted to spill the secret. And by the time we get back to the mainland, the deed will be done. Besides,” I bite herneck and groan. Because Minka Mayet is basically dry fucking me in public, and hell if I’m gonna tell her to stop. “Aubs was there the first time we married. She’ll get over it.”

“Let’s stop talking about Aubs.” She grinds over my cock and moans at the friction. “I wanna talk about me and you.”

I look down at the denim shorts she wore today. At the material that clings to her body. But not so much that I can’t just… push it aside a little. “I wanna talk about me and you, too.” I slip my hand between her legs and grin when she yelps in surprise. Then I glance back, over my shoulder to make sure none of the crew openly ogle us. “Push your panties aside, Mayet.” Bringing my focus back to my wife, I unsnap the button on my jeans and lift her taut body to make room for my zipper. “Fuck me like we’re teens sneaking a quicky in at the movie theater.”

She laughs, carefree and dazzling. The sun shines through her hair, lighting the brown and giving it more of a golden glow for the first time since I’ve met her. But it’s her, her glee, that sparkles most of all.

“Archer!” Scandalized, her eyes widen. “We are grown ass adults.” But I’ll be damned if she doesn’t reach down and slip her fingers into her shorts. “We shouldn’t be sneaking.”

“Iwantto sneak.” I free my cock and moan when that touch alone draws me toward ecstasy. “And this week is all about the things we want.”

She lifts just high enough to allow room for my cock. Then meeting my eyes, she slides down again and swallows me up. “What else do you want this week?”

I drop my head back until it hits the wooden chair with a thud. But I hold her hips and guide her along the length of my dick. “I want you.”

“You have me. What else?”

“I want to eat my breakfast off your tits.” I reach across and cup her breast in my hand. “I want to eat my lunch from your pussy.”

She whimpers, rocking her hips and riding my cock. “Lots of eating. Lots of sex.”

“I want to claim you on every fucking surface of this boat.” I surge up and wrap my hand around the back of her throat until her eyes shoot to mine. Until they lock in and stare back. “I want to claim every inch of your body. I want to swim in the ocean and fuck you there, too. I want you to promise to be mine forever, even when I piss you off. And in return, I want you to hear me promise myself to you. Because there’s nothing I won’t do for you. There’s nothing I won’t give you.”

“There’s nothing I want from you except what you’ve already given me.” She arches her back and cups my hand, so we’re both holding her breast. “I just need you next to me when we go to bed at night.”

“Done,” I grit out. “Easy.”

“And I want you to love me, even when it’s hard. Even when I’m neurotic and weird and anti-social and not always nice.” She stops gliding and studies me instead, her breath racing, but her entire soul sitting right there in her pupils like a window she leaves open for no one else. “I’m not blind to my oddities, Archer. I know I can be peculiar sometimes. But I’ve never,everworried about that turning someone away until I met you.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” I push up and nibble on her puffy lips. “I’m yours, Mayet. And you’re mine.”

“Then that’s all Iwant.”


“So, just to clarify…” I step out of the shower inside my private freakin’ suite of Felix Malone’s super yacht, and as long as I don’t think too hard about the bed and who he might have screwed on it over the years, I come to face Archer and manage a smile.

He sits on the end of the bed, television remote in one hand, but his eyes are on me. On the towel tucked in at my breasts and the water that drips from my hair.

“You want a wedding,” I continue. “Like, an actual vows thingy? Will the captain marry us, since he can do that in international waters? Or is this more of ayou and I stand at the front of the boat and just say we love each other againkind of thing?”

“The first one.” He tosses the remote aside and turns to study my body. Long sweeps of his eyes, and slow glances at my bare thighs. “We’ll have it officiated. Maybe some of the crew will watch, just so we can say it was witnessed. Then when it’s all said and done, your rings go back on the chain around your neck, and we get on with our lives outside of the Caribbean.”

“Okay, well… will this be a fancy attire affair?” Raising a single, curious brow, I look him up and down. “What are the chances you had this planned all along and packed a suit for the occasion?”

His lips split wide and contort into a delicious grin. “I absolutely packed in anticipation of your yes. And since we’re on the topic, I expect you to wear a dress.”

I peek at the closet, hardwood carpentry built into an elegant room. One wall, like the bar, is all glass so we get an unimpeded view of the ocean, while the rest of the room is fancy wallpaper. Tapestries. Lighting fixtures. Understated and rich under the surface, but not gaudy.

Kind of like the man who stares at me, I suppose.