“Well, what the hell else do you expect me to do? I’m not joining anyone’s Christmas card list. I don’t want more friends. I hardly have time for the few I have. I don’t care about Berta’s grandson’s pet fish’s uncle John, and I especially don’t want to pretend to like someone just because we’re sharing a coffee machine at the buffet.” Her eyes flicker. Panicked when a new thought hits her. “Will there be a coffee machine in our room? Because we could stay in there the whole time we’re sailing. Naked,” she hums. “Private. You could have all your dreams come true for the seven-day naked thing you want.”

“All to avoid speaking to other people?” Shaking my head, I drop a kiss on her forehead and linger for as long as it takes for the engines to vibrate against the floor beneath our feet. “You’re so ridiculously socially stunted, Mayet.”

“I’m selective about who I spend time with.”

“You have a social disability that you cover with sarcasm and coffee.” Pulling back, I slide my hands up and cup her slenderneck. “But I fucking adore youexactlythe way you are.” The moment I feel our boat moving, I flash a wicked grin that has her eyes narrowing. “We’re the only couple on this boat, by the way.”

“What?” She attempts to look around, but I hold her tight and force her to see me. “Archer?”

“Just me and you and a bunch of staff whose job is to make you happy. You don’t have to share the buffet with anyone but me. And since you said yes to marrying me, that kinda makes it a non-issue.”

“Just us?” She’s stunned, turning her eyes to see past me. “On this whole boat? It’s just me and you?”

“And the staff,” I repeat. “But yes. Twelve bedrooms to choose from. Though I’ve already basically picked ours, so you’ll fall in line, or we’ll argue about it.”

“A whole boat?” Her cheeks pale. Deathly white, just like the patients stored in her fridge at the George Stanley. Which is essentially all of my fucking nightmares wrapped up in one woman whose skin is typically olive but turns a dangerous pale when she’s not taking care of herself. “An entire—thisentire boat?”

“Yes. And I’m pretty sure none of the staff are named Berta. Though,” I draw her to the tips of her toes and press a kiss to her plump lips. “I can ask if that would make you more comfortable.”

“Is this Cordoza’s boat?” She gulps, a loud, visible action that makes her throat shift and her eyes shimmer. “We’re on Estefan Cordoza’s boat?”


“I get that we’re kinda friendly with the guy, Archer. I get that he’s nice enough, notwithstanding the fact he’s the boss of bosses in New York. But you can only accept so many favors from the mafia before you’re in a little too deep for comfort. He’s nice,” she exclaims breathlessly. “But he’s no fool. He’ll draw youin until you’re stuck, then he’ll strike out and make you do things you don’t want to do.”

“Do things?” I pull her impossibly closer and inhale her perfect scent deep into the pits of my lungs. “What kinds of things?”

“Like… kill people! You’re a cop, Archer. And maybe he needs a cop in his pocket. It’s all fun and games until he calls in his favor and asks you to whack somebody.”

“Whacksomebody?” I stroke her cheekbones with the pads of my thumbs. “Listen up, Berta. No one says whack anymore. We left that back in the eighties.”

“He might ask you tonotsolve a case. To sabotage an investigation. To have someone taken care of behind bars.”

“Right.” I draw her face up and revel in the fact she comes to me. Even in a panic, even when she’s edging toward an argument, she sets her hands on my hips and leans in. “I do nothing I don’t want to. I already escaped the mafia world once.”

“Yeah, but?—”

“This isn’t Cordoza’s boat, babe.”

“It’s—” She stops on a jolt, her chocolate eyes scouring mine. “It’s not?”

“No. And it wasn’t his plane either. So you don’t have to worry about me owing anyone anything.”

“So it’s…” She turns her face, but because my hands remain in place, her cheeks smoosh under my touch. “Felix’s, then? Your father’s?”

“Pretty much.” An omission is still a lie.Blah, blah, blah.Yeah, I know. “Now that our father is dead, and the will has been dealt with, Felix has become a very wealthy man.” I flash a wide, teasing smile. “Almost as wealthy as his girlfriend. So there you have it. We’re on our honeymoon, on a boat.” Gently, I loosen my grip on her face and allow her to lower to flat feet.“We’re gonna sail toward the Caribbean islands and spend a week lounging in the sun.”

“The Car—” She swallows. “We’re sailing to the Caribbean islands?”

“Yes.” I take her hand in mine. Fuck knows, if I don’t, she might bolt. “We’ll hang out for seven days. We can head onto the islands if you want a day trip or whatever, but mostly, I figured we could stay on board. Be together.” I let her turn from me, to lead me slowly through the dining room as she takes in her surroundings.

The candles sitting atop a round table, though they’re not yet alight.

The wine glasses, waiting to be filled.

The plates waiting to be topped with a chef-prepared meal.

She drags me past a small dance floor made in a herringbone pattern, and around a small stage where a performer might set up their instrument to serenade a couple in love.