I look up at him. What the hell was that?

Remember who he is.

“Yes,sir,” I say mockingly as I strip for the shower. I test the water and gasp when I turn to find him right beside me.

“Do you think I’m kidding around, Harper?” His blue eyes have grown stormy, his lips pursed in a straight line.

“No, I think you’re fucking uptight,” I snap.

“Careful, woman,” he says, shaking his head. “If you think —”

“That I’m going to have a mind of my own? Yeah, Aleks, I’ll have that whether you like it or not. I just shot a drone that was targeting your family —ourfamily — out of the sky. I took a vow to protect you and yours and you showed me the inner workings of your arsenal and holding. I know for a fact you’ve held prisoners in there and also know you hold them in another place now. So stop pretending I’m some delicate flower that doesn’t have half a brain enough to figure shit out and maybethenI’ll show you some respect.”

His eyes flare with something like arousal and the next thing I know, he’s pinning me against the doorway. The bathroom fills with steam from the shower as he cages me in, as if reminding me how much bigger he is than I am.

“You’ll show me respect now before I whip your pretty little ass,” he grates in my ear. “You’ll show me respect because you’re my wife and because I demand it.”

“That’s not how it works,” I retort, but his fingers tangle in my hair and tug, rendering me momentarily dazed. Fuck, I love it when he does that, and he knows it. “You’re a pompous asshole.”

His gaze ignites.

Unluckily for me, I’m naked. With a firm grip on my arm, he spins me around. “What was that? You want to say that again?”

His fingers are suddenly in my pussy, and he spreads my juices to my ass. My pulse spikes. I can’t speak, can’t open my mouth.

“Maybe you need a fucking reminder of who I am.”

I lean over the sink, my cheeks flaming hot because I know exactly what he’s going to do.

“Maybe I do.” I lower my breath to a whisper.“Asshole.”

He pushes on the ring of muscle, his mouth on my neck. “I’ll train you yet, Harper Romanov. You’ll learn to respect me.”

“Make me.”

My pulse spikes when he fingers my asshole. Pushes me against the sink. Opens the cabinet and retrieves a bottle of lube he just so happens to keepright there.Lubricant slides down my ass crack and over me. His clothes join mine.

“Call me that again and I’ll spank your ass before I fuck it,” he bites out, his eyes daring me, begging me, challenging me to defy him.

I stare at him in the mirror in front of me, his eyes meeting mine, and whisper in a singsong voice, “Have at it.”

His hand crashes against my ass and I suck in a breath. “Stop fighting me. Stop taunting me,” he orders with another hard slap. He peppers my ass with firm smacks of his palm until my skin’s on fire and I’m dripping wet.He picks me up and carries me into the shower, facing me away from him when he sets me back on my feet.

“You’ll respect me,” he says with another hard spank.

I press my hands against the shower wall.

“This virgin ass is fucking mine,” he growls in my ear. “I’ll train you to take me, all of me, little by little.”

The first push inside me makes me feel so full I lose the ability to speak or think orbreathe.My whole body is consumed with Aleks, every cell vibrating with his energy and presence.My mind goes completely, blissfully blank, as if I’ve lost the ability to argue just by being filled by him.

The second thrust has arousal tingling in every corner of me.

I whimper with the third thrust and by the fourth, I’m unable to move or think and am completely incapable of anything even remotely resembling logical thought.

“You’re fucking perfect.”

“You are definitely not,” I say, even as I’m grinning through the first flush of ecstasy.