“Thanks.” Daniel waved goodbye. “See you next time.”


Suzy opened the door to her apartment holding Daniel’s abstract painting. He was right; it wasn’t exactly a work of art, but to her, it was.

“Stinker, are you up?” She found him in his usual spot by the heating vent, curled tight in a ball. “Hey, little one, sorry I was gone so long.”

He lifted his head and yawned, but he didn’t move. It was strange, but it was late. He usually purred and rubbed her legs, demanding she pick him up.

“I’m sorry.” She gently swooped him into her arms. “Let’s get you your medicine and get you to bed. Tomorrow is my day off, and we’ll spend it together. I have a great Netflix show lined up.”

He let out a small purring sound and nestled against her neck. She moved so he could see Daniel’s painting.

“It’s interesting, just like him. Tonight was quite the event. It started out awful but ended amazing and romantic—just like one of those sappy Hallmark movies we love.” She sighed. "I just wish it were real. It was all pretend to save the night for couples truly in love and two love guides, Beth and Bob.”

She kissed his head, took the syringe, filled it with his medicine, and gently squirted it down his throat. He shook his head in protest.

“Sorry, little one, but this is good for you. You’re doing much better on it.”

He stuck out his tongue as if to disagree with her.

But the truth was that over the last months, he had done so much better with his new food and medication. It was expensive but worth every penny—not to her dad. He thought she should just get another cat, as if. Megan didn’t quite understand either; she’d never been an animal person, but to Suzy and Stinker, it was worth it.

He was fifteen years old. She knew he couldn’t live forever, but she couldn’t imagine her life without him.

“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” She picked him up and placed him on his pillow. “I’ll be back. I want to hang his painting. I know it will clash with everything.” She laughed. “But it’s going up.”

She closed the door and went into the living room. She stared at the painting, remembering the fun they shared and their long kiss. If only Daniel was hers for keeps.


Daniel whistled the next morning as he worked at his computer. The gallery was making a ton of money, but more importantly, his headaches were happy.

Truthfully, he was beginning to think of his business and clients as more than a burden thrust upon him by his dying mom. Suzy had changed everything. “Let’s paint like we make love.”

Last night had been beyond fun; his heart was full of love for the beautiful young artist, but he knew it had been nothing more than a night of pretending to save the night for the others. What a night it had been…if only it were real.

The bell on the front door chimed.

“Darling, I know you’re in here somewhere,” said Vivian Cline.

He should be fuming mad at her, but somehow, he wasn’t. It had been such a wonderful evening with Suzy. Plus, Vivian meant well, even though he did wish she wouldn’t meddle in his life.

“Back here,” he called from his office.

Minutes later, she pranced inside, a vision of purple. She looked like an elegant grape accented by a heavy gold necklace and dangling earrings.

“You look lovely as usual,” he said, standing.

“And you look happy for a change.” She kissed both his cheeks in her usual fashion. “How was last night?”

“It was—”

"Magical, I know,” she said with a wicked grin, “Beth called me this morning with all the juicy details. Paint like we make love.Brilliant.” She shook her finger at him. “I was right about Suzy and you. And I do love being right.”


“Are perfect together. Maybe now you won’t be so unpleasant and smile more. You have such a delightful smile.”