“We’re in the wrong place,” Daniel said.

Her eyes narrowed as she studied them. “You aren’t Daniel Wilson and Suzy Alexandar?”

“Yes, but we had no idea it was a couple paint night, and you see—” he said.

“I see perfectly well you two are in love. Love is oozing from you both. Now come on, it’s rude to keep others waiting.” She pulled them forward. “You won’t regret this.”

“I already am,” he muttered.

She laughed. “You’re funny. I’m Beth, your love guide for the evening.”

“But—” Suzy started.

“Don’t be intimidated. We’re all artists in our own way.” She leaned closer. “Also, the wine will loosen up your artistic abilities. You’ll be painting in no time.”

“I’m an artist,” Suzy said, dragging her feet.

“Then I don’t see the issue. Vivian said you two might be trouble, but I didn’t think you’d be this much.” She sighed dramatically as if this was the worst thing to happen to her. “Tonight is not the night for you two troublemakers. I already have to deal with Bob.”

The door opened. A man wearing a pink apron with the words Twisted Paint came out. “Beth, what’s taking so long? We have a schedule. We need to get started, or we won’t be done when the dessert is; we don’t want to serve it cold.”

“These two are a bit hesitant.” Beth glared at the man.

He glared back at her. “Well, hurry them up.”

Beth walked behind them and not so gently pushed on their backs to propel them inside. “Come on, you two.”

Reluctantly, they entered the building. Suzy groaned. If the outside looked like a Valentine’s party puked up, the inside looked like a gaudy wedding. This was the worst. Even if she had been in love with Daniel, which she refused to be, especially after he never called, this seemed overdone and extremely tacky.

The other couples wore bright pink aprons. They gazed at each other like they discovered Taco Tuesdays or were walking on the moon.

Beth guided them to their special table and handed them two aprons. “Put these on,” she commanded.

The man walked over with two wine glasses. “Hi, I’m Bob, your love guide for the evening.”

“As I said, I’m Beth, your love guide for the evening. This is just Bob.” Beth crossed her arms, shooting dagger-like looks at the middle-aged man.

“Just Bob.” The vein on his neck throbbed. “I’m the instructor; without me, there would be no Twisted Paint.”

Beth placed her hands on her hips. “I do everything else; without me, you’d be a penniless artist on the streets.”

The other couples stared with gaping mouths.

Suzy had an awful feeling she and Daniel were partly to blame for this fight between the two love guides by being late and making such a fuss about attending.

“Beth, Bob, you’re both our love guides for the evening.” Suzy gave them an encouraging smile. “Daniel and I are thrilled to be here. Why don’t we get started?”

Daniel looked at Suzy like she sprouted horns, but she kept her fake smile and put on her apron. “Sweetie,” she said, nudging him, “put your apron on. I know how messy you can be.”

“Sweetie? How messy I can be?” he said through clenched teeth. “What on earth?”

“Shush, we don’t want to ruin the night for all these happy couples in love,” she whispered, nodding to the other six couples, “would we?”

“Poopsie,” Daniel said, pulling her near, “let’s paint like we make love.”

Clapping and laughter filled the air. “Here, here,” the other painters chimed in. “Let’s paint like we make love.”

Beth dropped her hands to her side. “I knew you two were in love, but I had no idea how much.”