She couldn’t blame him; she told him exactly that. The only problem was she wanted it to be something more.

“What’s wrong?” Joann said concern etched deep in her eyes.

“He never called me. I thought he would. Although I should have known better. He doesn’t get involved with clients or artists.”

Joann frowned. “From what Mr. Peterson told me, you two certainly appeared to be involved.”

“It was just a moment—”

“More like an hour,” Joann said with a huff. “I’ve known him a long time. I didn’t think he was the type to take advantage of someone like that.”

“It was me who initiated the kiss, not him.” Suzy bit her lip. It was a huge mistake on my part. He did warn me, but I just didn’t listen.”

Joann stood.

“I’d better go. I’m trying to be on time.” Suzy tapped her watch. “I don’t want to be late.”

“I’m proud of you. No matter what happens between Daniel and you, you went after what you wanted. Sometimes, things aren’t meant to be, no matter how much we want them. I am sorry, though.”

Suzy hugged her mentor. “Thank you.”


Daniel gazed out the window, nervously tapping his fingers on the small table. He decided to tell Suzy about his mom and his damaged past. If he wanted a future with her, he’d better lay his cards or, should he say, baggage on the table.

She breezed in, wearing a summer dress. Her hair tumbled down her back. As soon as she saw him, she waved and bit her lip.

A nervous habit of hers. Was she anxious to see him? They hadn’t spoken since Saturday.

He gulped. Guilt ate him from the inside out. He should have called her, but he hadn’t because he didn’t know what to say to her, nor did he want to admit he was falling in love with her, no matter how hard he fought against his feelings for her.

She sat.

The same server came over to them. “You’re back, I see. Two hamburgers this time with fries?” She looked at Daniel. “Or do you want your Cobb Salad with no dressing?”

“I’ll take a hamburger and chocolate shake," he said, giving her the menu. “Thank you.”

“I’m not hungry.” Suzy handed the server the menu. “Just water. Thank you.”

The server lifted her eyebrow. “Okay, well, let me know if you change your mind. We have good Clam chowder and fresh biscuits.”

Suzy shook her head.

Daniel’s guilt grew like a giant hot air balloon. Was her loss of appetite because of him? He was a total jerk for not calling her, but what would he have said?

The server walked toward the kitchen.

Daniel reached for Suzy’s hand, but she crossed her arms.

“Let’s keep this professional,” she muttered, leaning back. “I have afternoon classes, so let’s make it fast.”

He swallowed hard. This was going worse than he imagined. She must be hurt. Who could blame her?

“I’m sorry I didn’t call,” he said.

She uncrossed her arms. “Why would you? We don’t have a relationship besides work. Speaking of work, what do you have to tell me?”

“I wanted to call you, but—”