“You’re welcome. Will you do me a favor?”

He groaned and closed his eyes. Vivian’s favors were usually way more than a simple request. One time, he agreed to watch one dog while she and her friends went on a weekend retreat; it turned out to be ten dogs.

“What is it?” he mumbled.

“It’s not so bad,” she said, laughing. “I have two tickets Thursday to a Paint Night. I want you to ask Suzy to go withyou as friends. You’ve made it perfectly clear you don’t date your clients, and I respect that, but after the whole Nicholas Prows ordeal, I think it might be nice for you to take her, please?”

He should say a definite no, but the truth was he’d do anything to hang out with Suzy. Perhaps he ought to rethink his rules about not dating artists, but was she just like his mom?

There was no way of knowing, but perhaps Suzy was worth taking a chance on.

“You look deep in thought.” Vivian patted his knee. “Are you still thinking of your mom or perhaps a beautiful young artist?”

He groaned, shaking his head. “Just give me the tickets. I’ll ask her at lunch.”

Vivian’s face lit up like the State Empire Building. “Oh, now that sounds divine. Keep me posted, darling.” She stood, kissed his cheek, and waltzed her way out into the lovely spring day.

He was getting nothing done, and the morning was slow in business. Perhaps he’d check Snowball out of Doggie Daycare and take her for a run before lunch. This would be a perfect way to relieve his tension, and Snowball would be delighted to see him.


Suzy slipped out of the bathroom in the art studio. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress. Her hair tumbled down her back in nice waves. She wore bright pink lipstick.

“Wow,” Joann said, her eyes widening, “you look like a beautiful girl in love.”

Suzy rolled her eyes.

“What?” Joann put her hands on her hips. “You do. I also see you managed to get the glue out of your hair. I did speak with Billy’s mom again.”

Suzy groaned. “You’re much too kind.”

“This time, I said he was more than welcome to stay in the art class and pursue his artistic creativity if she stayed with him during the entire class to supervise him.”


“She thanked me but told me it was time for him to try piano lessons. She knew of a teacher not far away who had an opening for a two-hour drop-off lesson.”

“Lord, help the teacher.”

They laughed.

“Your classes should be a lot less adventurous.” Joann tied on an apron.

“That’s a nice way of putting it.” Suzy grabbed her purse and headed to the door. “Are you painting?”

“I feel inspired.”

“Can’t wait to see your new masterpiece.”

“Have fun with Daniel,” Joann said with a wink.

Suzy paused. “How do you know I’m meeting him?”

“Just a hunch.” Joann shrugged. “That’s all.

“I’ll tell him hi for you.” Her shoulders slumped as she turned to leave.

Suzy had taken extra time on her appearance today, but it was a complete waste of time. Daniel hadn’t called her since Saturday. Three days. He must have thought it was simply a kiss and nothing more.