“As a matter of fact, he was.”

Suzy’s gut twisted as new and awful emotions penetrated her. Maybe it was his grandma, she thought, trying to reassure herself. Although he never mentioned a grandma.

What did it matter anyway? He made it perfectly clear it would never work between them.

“Don’t you want to know who he was with?” her sister asked.

“Doesn’t matter to me, we just work together.”

Stinker jumped off her lap, stalked to his food bowl, and meowed. He was a greedy little thing. She just fed him an hour ago.

“I saw how you two looked at each other at the show. Is something going on with you two?” Megan asked.

“Stinker is hungry.” Suzy stood, desperately wanting to end the call but at the same time dying to know who Daniel had been with at the park.Please have it be his grandma, not a beautiful woman who isn’t an artist.

“I’d better let you go and feed Stinker,” she muttered.

“Don’t you dare hang up on me. We’re not done discussing this. Stinker can wait. Truth be told, he’s overweight.”

“Ouch,” Suzy said. “Who spit in your cereal today? Why are you so mad?”

Megan sighed.


“I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Suzy rolled her eyes. “I know you’re my big sister, but I’m a grown woman. You don’t need to worry about me.”

“I do. Mom is gone. Dad is out of the country again, and you’re—”

“Just tell me who he was with, please.” She held her breath. It mattered more than she liked.

Stinker nudged his food bowl and meowed again as if he were the hungriest cat ever. Her heart jerked. So, what if he was a little overweight? He was still adorable.

“He was with Snowball.”

“Snowball? Is that a woman?”

“No, she’s a dog.”

Suzy laughed. “This is all over a dog? Please tell me you're joking.”

“Daniel and you are not a good idea. He’s damaged. His mother did a real number on him. Besides, he has a dog.”


“Dogs and cats don’t ever get along.”

“Never say ever.”

Suzy’s nerves jolted. Didn’t Joann just tell her love always finds a way? “Tell me more about Daniel. What did his mom do?”

Megan sighed again. “It’s not my story to tell, but until he faces his past and moves on, he’s not for you. I’d better go. Brent is waiting for me. Promise you’ll keep it strictly professional with Daniel.”

Suzy swallowed hard. She couldn’t make it, especially after kissing him this morning.

“Are you still there?” her sister demanded.