Joann set down the bags and waved her hand. “Not a problem, but that dreadful Mr. Peterson called me to complain about you.”

“Oh?” Suzy wrung her hands together.

“He thought I should know my help canceled class to make out with some guy.” Joann waggled her eyebrow. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

Suzy’s body went stiff as mortification hit her like a rock on top of her head. Mr. Peterson saw them making out. She could just crawl under a desk. How utterly embarrassing.

“Here, I thought you canceled because of Billy making such a mess, which is what you told me, isn’t it?” Joann asked,looking smug. “Is there perhaps another explanation you’d like to share?”

“Billy did make a mess.” She swallowed hard. “Daniel stopped by and offered to help clean it up.”

Joann laughed. “I see our troublemaker might have created something besides art today. Perhaps a spark with a certain young man for you?”

“Oh no.” Suzy shook her hands. “Nothing like that.”

“Funny, Mr. Peterson would disagree with you. I’m afraid I would, too, by the way you’re blushing. It sounds like you had quite the morning.” Joann strolled to her. "Daniel is a great guy. I’m happy for you.”

Suzy frantically shook her head. “No, it was just a kiss—”

“Interesting. Mr. Peterson said you were entangled with a man in the most unprofessional way. Sounds more than a kiss.” Joann hugged her. “This is just perfect.”

“But Daniel doesn’t date artists, and I’m just starting my career. I’m not even sure he likes cats. Let’s not forget about Stinker.” Suzy pulled away and sat down.

Joann rolled her eyes. “How could we possibly forget about Stinker? He’s your baby. Perhaps Daniel loves cats, you never know.”

“What if he’s allergic?”

“There’s a pill for that, my dear. Love will always find a way.”

“No, it was just a moment.”

“Sounds like more than that from Mr. Peterson’s description. He said he had to bang on the door to separate the young lovers.” Joann’s lips twitched from amusement. “Young love is magical. Enjoy it.”

Suzy groaned and leaned her elbows on the art table.

“Daniel is handsome and a good man.” Joann touched her arm. “You two would go nicely together.”

“What about his rules?” Suzy slouched down toward the desk.

“Hush, rules were made to be broken. Now, enough of this nonsense. Help me put these supplies away while we discuss your raise.”

“What?” She sat up straight.

“Yes, the art studio is starting to make money. The children love you, and the classes are now full. Even grumpy Mr. Peterson said I should go easy on you; he said Becky adores you.”

“Thank you.” Suzy hugged her friend. “I appreciate you more than you know.”

“That goes both ways.”

They chatted as they put the supplies away. Joann had found a great sale. The children would love the bright new colors and all the fun crafts.

“You’d best be off,” Joann said with a wink. “Perhaps a hot date tonight with someone?”

Suzy bit her lip. Daniel had bolted again, so it looked like it was just Stinker and her tonight. “Something like that,” she replied, not wanting to disappoint her friend.

“Okay, well, see you Monday,” Joann said.
