If he were honest, he would have difficulty letting the painting go. Plus, seeing Suzy happy about the sale was worth the cost. The way her sweet face lit up made his throat swell with emotion. Given the chance, he’d buy it again, with or without Nicholas Prows.

He still didn’t understand the urge to obtain her painting; all he knew was that he wanted it just like he wished he could have a relationship with her. Stinker was a lucky little guy.


Suzy practically skipped into the Art Creation. She had managed to fall asleep last night with Stinker curled up next to her, but she dreamed of Daniel.

They were dancing among the stars, and he held her close. She could feel his heart beating against hers. This time, when he tilted her chin, he kissed her.

“So, how was your big show?” Joann got up from the large chair by the cash register and walked to her. “Tell me everything.”

“First, it wasn’t my show but Vivian’s.” Suzy put on an apron. “Second, I had a marvelous time and sold both my pieces.”

“That’s my girl.” Joann hugged her. "I'm proud of you. Do you know who bought them?”


“Both of them?” Joann raised her eyebrow. “That’s interesting.”

Suzy shook her head. “Someone else bought the second.”

“Who was the other buyer?”

“I don’t know. Daniel said he couldn’t tell his clients personal information.”

“That makes sense.” Joann pursed her lips together. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Bev came down with the flu. I had to teach her classes last night. I’m sure Daniel made sure you were taken care of.”

Suzy’s face scrunched up. “What makes you say that?”

“He’s thoughtful like that. When he did my show—”

“Wait, did you have a show with him?” Her eyes widened. “You never mentioned it.”

Joann shrugged as if it was no big deal.

“What happened?” Suzy placed her hands on her hips and studied her friend. “Why didn’t you have more shows?”

“I started painting much later in my life. I was busy raising a family and caring for my elderly parents.” Joann shifted her feet. “When I finally did follow my passion, I learned the art business wasn’t for me.”

“Why?” Suzy raised her eyebrows, letting her arms fall to her side. “It doesn’t make sense. You are so gifted.”

“Well, it’s a lot of pressure .” Joann squeezed Suzy’s shoulder. “I’m not young like you. Who knows how much time I have left on earth, so I decided to open Art Creation and teach others how to create and find joy in art. We all have our paths. The Art Creation is mine.”

“I’m still unsure about my future. I thought I wanted to be exactly like Vivian.” Suzy’s shoulders sagged. “But it’s all so much.”

Joann gave her a warm smile. “You won’t know unless you try it and see if you like it.”

“Thanks.” Suzy hugged her friend, who had become her mentor these last few months. “I appreciate you.”

“Remember that I signed up Billy again. His mother begged me, and he promised not to put glue in your hair, throw glitter at cute girls, or turn the wastebaskets into his art project.”

“You didn’t?” Suzy groaned. “Billy is a little monster.”

“Who has cute dimples and a very determined mother,” Joann said, looking guilty. “I think his mother wants him to be an artist. She says he has such a natural gift for it.”

“I think she wants an hour and a half to herself without Billy.”

“You could be right.” Joann chuckled. “Good luck, I got to run errands.”