“And you’re stuck with me.”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be tonight.” Megan flashed her a smile. “Besides, my adorable husband is inside, and the drinks are free.”

They crossed the street and entered the gallery, buzzing with sophisticated people and jazz music. Daniel was at the center of the entrance. The older woman Suzy met the other day had her arm linked with his. The two of them were laughing.

“If you’ll excuse me,” Daniel said, finding it hard to breathe. Suzy was a vision in her pink, shimmery gown.

“Oh my,” Vivian said with a sly smile. “Looks like someone has finally caught your eye.”

“She’s a new artist, that’s all,” he said, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Suzy, who had somehow captured his heart.

“Whatever you say, darling.” She kissed his cheek and whispered, “Life is too short not to have fun. It’s nice to see you smile.”

He straightened his shoulders. “It’s business, nothing more. If you’ll excuse me.” He wiped her lipstick off his cheek.

“If you say so, but there’s no rule you can’t mix business with pleasure.” Vivian winked at him. “Have fun, darling.”

He strode to Suzy and Megan. Nerves ping pong inside him in a fierce battle. He took a deep breath.

“Hi.” Megan embraced him. “This is marvelous.”

“Thank you.” He gazed at Suzy. “What do you think?”

“It’s enchanting,” she said, looking a bit ill. “But I think I’m going to be sick.”

“Nonsense, just take a deep breath and repeat to yourself, I am safe.” He linked arms with her. “Would you like to see where I hung your pieces?”

She barely nodded.

“Remember what you told me?" He squeezed her arm. "You are not that fragile.”

“Thanks.” She straightened her spine. “Let’s see my artwork.”

“Then we shall get you some champagne to celebrate.” He glanced at her sister. “Megan, are you coming?”

“I see Brent. You two go ahead, and we’ll catch up.” She swirled off to be with her husband.

Daniel led her through the crowds, stopping to introduce her to clients and other artists as they made their way through the gallery.

Suzy sucked in her breath as her eyes widened. “Why, you put them here.”

“Right where they belong.” He squeezed her arm. “They are stunning like you.”

She hugged him tightly. She smelt of violets and lovely summer days. He lingered a moment longer until he noticed people were staring. Vivian, with her coy smile, gave him a toast with her champagne glass.

Great. He was falling for an artist. He inwardly groaned. This would never do.

He pulled away.

“I’m sorry.” She blushed and stared down at the floor. “I got caught up in the moment.”

He cleared his throat. “Let’s get you that champagne.”

“I already feel giddy without it.” She beamed with happiness. “This is a dream come true.”

This was the part of his job he actually enjoyed seeing his headaches reach their potential and seeing them happy. Too bad his mom never was. She died a miserable person.

He swallowed hard, not wanting that for Suzy or anyone else. He had tried with his mom, but in the end, nothing he did mattered.