His mom always chose her art over him. Even on her deathbed, she made him promise to make her art gallery successful when she knew he wanted to return to college. The gallery had been her dream, certainly not his.

“I’d better go,” he said.

“But you haven’t met Stinker yet?” she protested. “He is quite divine.”

He rolled his eyes. “Okay, enough with that word. Let me meet him so I can get out of here.”

She walked over to the heating vent, picked up a strange-looking cat, and gazed at the creature as if her heart burst with love for him. Oh, how he would love for Suzy to look at himself like she did Stinker.

He stepped backward. He wasn’t going to fall for her. He couldn’t. She walked toward him.

“Do you want to hold him?” she asked.

“That’s okay but thank you. He’s a handsome fellow, I best be going.” He turned and walked to the door. “Hey, did you sign your pieces?”

She shook her head.

He gave her a hesitant smile. “Just use Suzy, it’s perfect, like you.” He opened the door and left without saying another word.

She stared at the closed door. He bolted again. Strange. Was he always like this? Or was it something about her that scared him? She hugged Stinker closer.

The salon had been quite an ordeal, but lunch had been nice. Who was she kidding? It was divine, as Vivian Cline would say. She hummed to herself. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, Daniel was more than handsome, and on the rare occasions he smiled, it nearly took her breath away.

He wanted her to use her real name because it was perfect, like her. Her head spun, and she wasn’t even on a roller-coaster, or was she? Daniel messed with her emotions big time.

Plus, tonight was her first art show. She danced her way to the bedroom. Stinker gave her a strange meow.

“I’m just excited, that’s all.” She scratched his chin just the way he liked it. “Trust me, it has nothing to do with him.”

Actually, it had a lot to do with Daniel. The idea he thought she was beautiful, and her name was perfect. Wait a minute. She had to focus on building her career. The last thing she needed was to fall for a man, especially one who had a thing for her sister and didn’t get involved with artists.

Chapter six

Megan and Suzy walked on the opposite street of the art gallery. The city thrived with excitement, and so did the gallery. Fancy cars stopped in front of the elegant building, and people dressed in suits and gowns stepped out of the vehicles into the dazzling city lights.

“I feel sick.” Suzy gripped her sister’s arm and froze. “I’m not sure I can do this.”

“Yes, you can.” Megan nudged her forward. “Mom would be proud of you. I am, too.”

Suzy swallowed hard. “I couldn’t have done it without you or Daniel.”

“He’s quite the guy. I’m happy you two are hitting it off. Just be careful.” Megan frowned. “He’s broken, I hate to admit it. It’s because of his mom.”

“What do you mean?” Suzy arched her eyebrow.

“Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”

“When I mentioned his mom, he bolted. I don’t think he likes to talk about her," Suzy said, biting her lip.

“And for good reason.” Megan tugged Suzy closer to the street. “Let’s go.”

Suzy leaned backward. “I’m not ready.”

“You never will be, but you must take a chance. Now, let’s go. Brent is waiting for us.”

They went to the crosswalk. Megan hit the button. All too soon, the light was green, and the little chirping noise signaled them to cross.

“You got this.” Megan squeezed her arm. “And it’s not often I get out of the office this early on a Friday night.”