Page 16 of Hearing Red

The GPS.

She pulled it out, dropping the backpack onto the ground. Tyler had been the only one using it, but it couldn't be that hard to figure out.

She pressed a button on the top, and a high pitched chime played from the box.

Right as she was about to press the next button, a sound from back inside the pharmacy caught her attention. Her headsnapped up, turning toward it as she shot back up onto her feet. Then felt her way back out of the room.

“You done throwing up?” the woman’s voice asked from somewhere close by.

Maddie made her way toward the voice, using her cane to navigate past some fallen items on the floor.

She’d found the GPS, which would help her navigate, but she still had to figure out how to use it. And she also had to get out of the city without running into hordes of infected. If she could make it out of the city without getting bitten, then she could figure out her next move from there.

But making it out of the city would be the hard part.

That is, unless she had help.

Unless she had someone that could help her get out safely.

“They left the main entrance area. At least for now,” the woman said, and Maddie could hear her footsteps for a moment before they paused. “If you’re gonna leave anytime soon, you might want to do it now.”

The light sound of boots walking filled the air again.

"W–wait," Maddie stuttered, turning to follow. This could be her best chance; she couldn't let it slip away. “Where are you going?”

"Leaving," the voice muttered, already sounding much farther away.

"Wait!" Maddie called, moving toward the sound.

The walking boots stopped, but Maddie continued in their direction.

"Let me come with you," she said, almost breathless. "Just to get out of the city."

"No," the woman responded without even a split-second pause.

It was so sharp and abrupt that it stopped her in her tracks. Although she wasn't exactly surprised at the answer, she had at least hoped that there would be some consideration first.

"I–I can trade you something," she replied, her mind reeling. "What do you need?"

"Nothing," the voice muttered, then the footsteps immediately began again.

A sense of dread washed over as she felt the opportunity passing. She’d gotten water. She’d found the GPS. Now she just needed someone to help guide her out.

This was her chance.

Although it did feel just a bit worrisome that her best chance at survival was someone who had tried to kill her less than thirty minutes prior. But she could choose to ignore that for the time being. She wasn’t exactly in the position to be picky.

And then an idea struck her. She hadn't even considered it because she figured it was useless for her to try to find it, but Tyler had been carrying a supply bag for the group when they got separated. And when they’d been cornered by infected the night before, he had to stash it in a building so he could move easier without carrying as much. She knew the name of it and where they were at the time, but she probably couldn't get there easily on her own.

"I have a lot more supplies!" she called out. "Not just what we have here. I have a whole duffle bag that we had last night." Maddie paused, but she could hear the footsteps still walking slowly, getting farther away. "It has food—and medicine."

The footsteps stopped.

"We hid it there pretty soon after we got into the city, so I think it's close to the outskirts. If you take me there, I'll show you where it is, and you can have it. You can have all of it."

This was it. This was the last card she could play.

She stood there anxiously, looming silence filling the air.