Page 95 of Hearing Red

“No,” Dean called back. “If we don't take these ones out, they'll follow us for who knows how long.”

“The only way we're gonna be able to take out all of these is with guns,” Saff replied. “And if we do that, we'll attract even more, and this will turn into something much worse.”

“She’s right,” Carter said. “Let’s go down the alley on the next block.”

Luckily, Dean didn’t argue with that.

They moved quickly, and after a few turns, Saff let her know that they were back on a main street near the edge of the town. They continued like that for a few more minutes, speed walking, until Carter announced that he could see the highway again.

Hours passed, and Maddie's legs ached as they ascended yet another hill. The temperature had been steadily dropping for the last couple of hours, and she knew it had to be getting dark soon.

“Are there any houses around?” Maddie asked Saff beside her.


As if right on cue, Carter spoke next. “You guys ready to stop? I don't really want to keep going with it getting this dark.”

“Where are we?” Maddie asked.

She felt Saff shrug. “Woods.”

A mosquito bit her arm, and she quickly swatted it away. A few seconds later, she repeated the process after another one bit her.

“I'll get a fire started,” Carter said. “Hopefully that'll help a little with the bugs.”


Maddie rolled over again for what had to have been the fourth time in just the last few minutes. The sleeping bag felt itchy against her skin, and the hard packed dirt beneath her was a stark contrast to the cot she'd become accustomed to sleeping in.

She shifted her body again, frustrated. She needed to get sleep so that she'd have enough energy and focus the next day. But she'd only been able to fall asleep for what seemed like a short amount of time before waking up again. And now she couldn't seem to get herself back to sleep.

“Ground not up to your standards?” Saff whispered from somewhere nearby on her left.

Maddie hummed, rolling onto her side, facing where she heard Saff’s voice. “I think I got spoiled,” she said. “I miss my cot.”

“Yourcot?” Saff asked with a chuckle.

Maddie smiled. “Yes. Andmyblanket.”

Saff chuckled again, and Maddie’s smile grew.

“You’re right,” Saff muttered. “You were spoiled.”

This time it was Maddie who chuckled. “Oh, I know. It felt weird going to bed tonight without slightly burnt popcorn.”

“Burnt?” Saff asked seriously. “I never burned the popcorn.”

“Oh yeah you did,” Maddie said. “I could smell it every time.”

“No way,” Saff retorted.

“It’s fine if that’s the way you like it,” Maddie said with a yawn. “But it was definitely a little burnt.”

Saff let out a huff.

“Why are you still up?” Maddie asked. “Wasn’t Dean supposed to take over and watch through the night?”

“Yeah,” Saff answered. “But he fell asleep. Besides, I don’t mind. I’d rather do it, anyway.”