Rosie laughed despite herself.
‘But no, I don’t have any new colleagues’ he told her, ‘just the same old crowd. But it will be fun!’ Rosie found herself nodding. ‘So you'll come?’ he said eagerly, grabbing her hands; his enthusiasm was as ever infectious.
‘Yes!’ she agreed. ‘I’ll come.’
‘This is great!’ Mitch exclaimed, ‘I’m so excited.’ Rosie looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
‘Oh, I forgot to mention the occasion,’ he said, ‘I’m introducing them all to Jenny!’ Rosie felt her heart sink. ‘This will be perfect, you can meet her at the same time.’ He squeezed her hands tightly, ‘you’re going to love her, Rosie, I just know it.’
Rosie broke eye contact and looked out across the park. She felt nauseous at the thought of meeting Jenny, but knew she couldn’t back out now without Mitch realising something was up.
Mitch was still talking and Rosie realised she had completely zoned out. He seemed to be telling her some long and complicated story about one of his colleagues, which Rosie would no doubt regret not listening to when called upon to discuss it at a later date. And then he stopped and noticed Rosie’s expression. He followed her gaze.
‘She’s sweet,’ he said, pointing to a mother and daughter.
‘Sorry?’ Rosie replied.
‘The little girl? She’s really sweet,’ he said. ‘How old do you think she is?’
Rosie deliberately looked in the opposite direction. ‘I don’t really know. I’ve never been good at telling.’
‘It does make you want one though, doesn’t it?’ he continued. ‘You know I’ve always been broody’ he admitted, ‘but I’m feeling it more than ever now.’ He sighed.
‘But I’ve got a good feeling,’ he said, switching from his contemplative mood. ‘I think you’ll meet someone really soon now. And what with me and Jenny going so well I reckon you might escape having to use me as your fallback.’ He laughed loudly, startling some pigeons which had crept closer to look for crumbs.
Rosie felt her tears start to brim again, and she pushed her sunglasses back up her nose. She felt like shouting,Don’t you understand? I don’t want to be your fallback.She wanted to tell him that she was terrified that he was falling for Jenny and that she would never get over him. But she didn’t. Instead, she looked at her watch and made a decision. Shewouldreply to Graham, and shewouldgo on another date with him because she needed to do something to put Mitch and Jenny and his stupid plan out of her mind.
‘I have to go,’ she said, ‘I’ve got a meeting at 2pm.’
Mitch looked at his watch, too. ‘OK, I’ll walk with you.’
‘You don’t have to,’ she said, keen to escape both Mitch and her mood.
‘But I want to,’ he insisted, standing up and offering her his hand. Having no other option, she took it, grabbed her bag and stood up. ‘It will do me good,’ he said, ‘I haven’t been to the gym in ages.’ Rosie gave him a sideways look; now she thought about it perhaps he had put on some weight. Maybe if he continued not going to the gym and she wore dark glasses all the time and squinted whenever she looked at him then she wouldn’t find him quite so attractive.
’Been too busy with Jenny,’ he said, giving her a wink. They walked arm in arm towards the gates of the park.
Rosie rolled her eyes and dragged him towards the road, completely forgetting that she still hadn’t replied to Jasmine, whose last message had sounded urgent.
Rosie leaned into the mirror and poked a spot that had just appeared by her nose. It was typical; she hadn’t had a spot in ages and today, just as she was about to meet Graham again, there it was. She was about to squeeze it, which would have been disastrous as she knew, when the door banged open and appearing as if the corridor was on fire, was Nadia.
‘Hi,’ Nadia exclaimed and rushed straight into one of the bathroom stalls, slamming it behind her. ‘Sorry, need to wee!’ she shouted through the closed door. ‘I’ve drunk four cups of coffee this afternoon and haven’t had a chance to go.’
‘I can drink six before I need a wee,’ Rosie said proudly and went back to inspecting her spot.
‘Just you wait,’ came the muffled response and then the sound of the toilet flushing. Nadia flung open the door. ‘Just you wait,’ she repeated, ‘till you’ve had two children. Then let’s discuss whether your pelvic floor can cope with the pitfalls of excess caffeine.’
Rosie held her hands up in protest. ‘I wasn’t suggesting my pelvic floor was any superior to your pelvic floor!’
‘You look nice,’ Nadia said, eyeing Rosie up in the mirror as she stood washing her hands.
‘Do you think so?’ Rosie asked, peering again at the spot and feeling grateful Nadia had saved her from squeezing it.
‘Definitely,’ Nadia said, nodding. ‘I love those Converse, they look super cute with the black tights and that dress.’
Rosie had gone for a more casual look for the second date. She was wearing one of her favourite black dresses which had a ruffled hem and came in just on the decent side of her thighs. If she wore it with black tights and dressed it down with Converse she looked cool and chic and felt much more relaxed. And black tights meant she was much less likely to flash her pants at anyone. Unless it was planned.