She bit at her lip, a blush stretching across her face. Then she glanced at my lips, the glimmer in her dark eyes luring me in. She was kryptonite, while I easily bent to her will and was unable to tell her no.
Audry kissed me lightly, her hands tangling in my hair. The movement was soft…slow…and intimate. There was no other place I would rather be than in her arms right now.
I pulled her over, rolling us until she was on top. Our lips stayed locked, the kiss increasing in intensity. She grindedagainst me, my fingers dragged down and left a trail of goosebumps and heat as they made their way to her hips.
Audry broke the kiss, our breaths heavy and entangled in the silent room. Her hands moved to my belt, undoing it with ease.
“Audry,” I warned, glancing at the doorway.
“You were willing to take me in front of those cameras in the elevator,” she whispered, kissing my neck. “Take me here.”
A moan erupted in my chest, but I had to keep my wits about me. “Can we uh…Audry…" I pushed her gently. She sat up, still on top of me. My hardened cock didn’t make this conversation easier. “Can we talk for a moment?”
The smile on her face fell.
“I didn’t really know you before what happened, but I talked with Carson about…well…about the whole sex thing?—”
“You talked to Carson about our sex life?” she asked, embarrassed and appalled.
“I’m worried about you, that’s all. And she mentioned that with survivors, they can…well become…like hyper-sexual. And I want you to know that as much as I enjoy that, I want to make sure you’re okay.”
“This isn’t about Nate,” she said, her lips pulling into a tight, strained line.
“Isn’t it?” I whispered. I didn’t want it to be true. “You and I didn’t meet under great circumstances.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, cause if you had been at that bar a few days before, it would have been so much better.”
“What do you mean?”
She rolled off of me, getting to her feet. She paced, obviously uncomfortable by where the conversation was going. Audry placed her hands on her head and took a big breath. “I frequent that bar a lot. And maybe, if you came on a different night, then things would be different.”
“I’m at Dockside quite…frequently,” I said slowly.
“Well, I was there only a few nights before, and things were fine. And then that night, they weren’t.”
“You were there?” I asked, confused. My heart thundered in my chest as I took in her dark hair and sharp features. I tried to imagine her slightly off kilter, red lipstick stained on her plump lips. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time, except fully wrapped in the memory of the girl in the bathroom. The door slightly ajar—she fit perfectly.
“Yeah, with this ex–something. I don’t really know what to call him, but he came with a date, apparently.” Her face blushed before a sneer curled on her lips.
“You fucked him in the bathroom,” I said before I could stop myself.
Audry ran a hand through her hair, the redness deepening on her flesh. “Uh, how’d you know that?”
“Because I met the guy. I think it was?—”
“Quinton,” we said at the same time.
The name hung between us, adding to the pile of lies. How could I tell her that Liam shot him in the alleyway? Did it even matter?
“Me and him never really talked after that night…" she trailed off.
Guilt stabbed me in the chest, making me nauseous as I stood there staring at the sadness in her eyes. I didn’t want to be the cause for that. I parted my lips to tell her, to lay every secret at her feet. But then, the image of her covered in blood that night invaded my mind. The less she knew, the better. The less she was involved, the easier it would be. I swallowed hard because I couldn’t make good on that. I wanted her to be involved with me, to be with me.
“So, I guess to answer your question, I’ve always been a bit…exploratory when it comes to sex,” she said. “But, I have been using it as a bit of a crutch, I guess…for a rather long time.”
“Does it help?” I asked.
“Sometimes.” She nodded. “Makes me feel like I’m in control. “