“Is sex ever completely safe?” Carson countered.
“I suppose not.”
“It’s a coping behavior, Kai. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about you or whatever. It may just be her way of regaining control.” Carson paused. “Have you talked about it with her?”
“Talked about it?” I took a step back.
“Oh for fuck’s sake. You can stick your dick in her, but you can’t talk to her about sex?” Carson rolled her eyes. “If it’s something that’s concerning you, then try to talk to her. But don’t push. It’s gotta be on her terms.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, turning on my heel, wishing this conversation never happened.
“And, Kai? You are allowed to say no if you don’t want to ‘hang out,’” Carson added as I left the house, my stomach clenching.
Chapter 25
Liam and Kai sat at the hotel restaurant table. Liam was slightly more comfortable with me. He leaned back in his chair and nibbled on his french fries, occasionally cracking a joke. The TVs, set up in different spots around the hall, streamed the game.
“What a bad call,” Liam groaned as the crowd erupted in frustration.
“Sports aren’t really my thing,” I muttered.
Kai sat close to my side. His calloused hands traced my leg in a soothing motion. Crowds still bothered me, but no one dared approach our table. Very few were even brave enough to glance our way. Not with the two very much tattooed and muscular men at my side.
I let my eyes flutter shut, the room falling away. I let myself sink into the sensation of Kai’s hands moving along my leg. My imagination ran wild at the many fantasies I wished to play out with him. His cologne swirled around me, the subtleness of it all too intoxicating as it conjured memories of the two of us naked. There was something about him that kept me drawn in and put my fears at ease.
I opened my eyes, glancing up at him. His stare narrowed on me, a lustful sparkle in his eyes. My gaze dropped to his lips, wanting them on mine. But movement behind him, hidden in the depths of the crowd, tore me away.
My attention fell on the short-haired, lanky woman making her way toward us. Everything came to a standstill—the sounds of the cheering crowd became distant, the sensation of Kai’s touch fading away. The only thing remaining in my frozen nightmare was my heart slamming into my stomach while adrenaline attacked me.
I glanced around for an exit, for some form of escape, my muscles tensing. Kai wrapped his hand into mine under the table and gave it a gentle squeeze, but it offered no relief. I was a trapped mouse, not nearly ready to face the cat that was ready to give chase.
“What’s wrong?” he whispered into my ear.
“We should go,” I said, scratching at his arms. My mouth was dry, and I suddenly became very aware of my clothes resting on my flesh.
Liam shouted at the TV again with a variety of the other patrons, his lack of observance surprising.
“Audry!” Lexi’s screech of a voice echoed over the crowd. It was too late to run.
Appearances are a must, my mother always said. I swear she would die saying those words. But, they rang true today. How could I explain to Lexi that I hated being around her, or the idea of her existence? How did I explain she reminded me of possibly one of the worst nights in my life? How did I explain that, even though she might consider it illogical, I blamed her?
She was the domino, the single vector that forced my life off its track.If she had shown up that night like she said she would…
“Audry!” she shouted again, hopping on her heels as she waved. She pushed through the crowd of people, approaching the table. “Where have you been?” she asked, studying the table. Her tone was filled with curiosity, and not of concern. Cause it was oh-so normal for someone to disappear off the face of the planet for two weeks.
“Hi,” I whispered, my voice meek.
Liam tore his laser focused gaze from the TV to steal a lingering glance at my friend. The only thing he had taken note of since we arrived. We were on better terms now, my existence less of a thorn in his side. That said, I still wanted to reach across the table and slap that lustful glimmer right out of his stare.
I rubbed my lips together and rolled my eyes.
Kai squeezed my hand, staring at me with confusion.
“Oh,” Lexi said before popping her lips together. “I see you have made some friends. No wonder you haven’t been picking up!” she cooed, slapping me on the arm with her bag. Her unspoken accusation had a hint of hurt that she hid behind the award-winning smile.She didn’t get to be hurt.