“Not exactly the rumor going around.” Liam shook his head. “He wants me alive but doesn’t feel I’ve learned my lesson. He wants to kill you three.”

My fate loomed over me as I listened to the back and forth haphazardly. This was it. My punishment for a life of crime…each choice made after the single catalyst—stealing from amember. Liam saved my ass then, and he was dead set on saving my ass again. But when did it end? Where was the end of the road for us? Because it wouldn’t be happy, nor clean.

“We can’t run,” I said, my voice soft.

The two men stared at me, their gazes hot on the back of my neck. I didn’t look up, just kept my focus on the small divot on the hardwood floor. “If we run, then there is no end. There will never be an end.”

I stood up, running my hand through my hair. I glanced at my brothers and Carson. Liam was delusional if he was to think his father wouldn’t find out he wanted to leave.

“We’ve been in this life since we were pimply preteens. We have no real job experience, no verifiable employment, no cash to our name beyond what we skim off the top, and Logan has a rap sheet that would turn away any opportunity,” I said, my tone rising. “We have no options here. There is noplan. Whatever you think you have thought out is riddled with holes, holes we will slip into and make our graves.”

Liam’s brows furrowed as he gawked at me. “Hear me out,” he pleaded.

“Why? So you can feed us false hope? So you can put us on the hook again for your fuck ups?” I shouted.

“I’m protecting you!” he shouted.

“Protecting?” I chuckled, the room tense. “Protecting from what? Because where I stand, you got all of us into this. You’re the catalyst!”

“I saved you! If I hadn’t been there that day, if I didn’t put my neck on the line for you when you stole, you wouldn’t be standing here!”

“I was a child!” I shouted. “I was fucking hungry!”

“So was I!” Liam was in my face now, his flesh red.

“And Laila? Was she just another childhood mistake?” I yelled, hitting a low blow.

“Boys!” Carson yelled. “Get your shit together!” She shoved us apart, always the sensible one.

Liam and I rarely butted heads, but I had got a taste of what life could’ve been. If only I had made different decisions.

“We restart…" Liam whispered. “That’s the plan. Because you’re right, no restaurant, bar, or even the dingiest of clubs would want us working there. But we are good at what we do. Carson is good at what she does! We all have skills that we can use.”

“You want to start our own, what? Dysfunctional crime family?” Logan asked, taking a seat.

I saw his life flashing through in photos. None of us thought we would end up here.

“I do.” Liam nodded. “The Webb name is already disgraced…every day my father remains in power, my grandfather and his grandfather turn in their grave.”

“Then we take him out?” Logan suggested, his gaze going dark. But Liam’s plan started to fall into place for me.

“We can’t,” I whispered, anger depleting. “Samuel has an arsenal of men and weaponry, along with plenty of people in and out of the crew. He has a whole network…there’s no taking him out with a hit.” I glanced at Liam, certain of one thing. Even though he despised his father, he would never be capable of killing him. “There’s only three of us.”

“We get out, and we start over. That’s the plan,” Liam said.

“You want to run?” Logan scoffed. “He’ll track us down.”

“By the time he does, we’ll have an army.” Liam spread his arms wide. “We can grow…quick. The four of us all bring something to the table. The operation would run so smooth?—”

“You’re blinded by your family loyalty,” Logan said. “He’ll track us down just out of spite.”

“There’s no other option,” Liam countered, his shoulders slouching. “This is a chance.”

“Averyslim chance.” Logan leaned back.

My mind spun with the information. Both of them had solid points. If we stay, we were fucked, and if we left, we were fucked. But at least we’d had a chance to start fresh.

“What about Audry?” I asked. “If they find Nate?—”