“Not exactly.” The side of her lip turned up in an uncomfortable smile. “You need to take this for the next month,” she said, passing me a bottle of thick pills that rattled against the container. “And…I know you don’t want to see anyone. But you’ll need to go in next week for a few tests.”
“I don’t want a rape kit.” I shook my head.
“It’s not for that, Audry. In most of the cases I see here, rape kits aren’t even an option,” she said softly. “It’s to see if you are safe and healthy.”
“It’s likely you’re fine.” Carson smiled. “Most of the women that come through here are—at least medically.”
I glanced around the room again, the white walls feeling less pressuring. Other women like me had been here before? The thought made me both sick and less lonely.
“Can I talk with Kai?” I asked, not wanting this conversation to go any further.
“You don’t need to ask. This isn’t a prison.” She laughed lightly before getting to her feet. “I’ll send him in.”
I waited there on the floor, uncertain what I would say.Do I say thank you? Or do I not mention it at all?The questions of what was the acceptable societal response bounced against my skull, increasing my headache. The only thing I knew for certain was that Kai made me feel safe.
A small rap vibrated the wooden door, and my heart raced as Kai stepped into the room.
“Hi,” he said, speaking low.
“Hi.” I waved like an idiot.
He looked exhausted, but he smiled politely, obviously uncertain of what I wanted.
Oh my gosh, you’re so stupid,I said to myself. I scrambled to my feet, rubbing my sweaty palms on my thighs. Kai and Carson were fretting over me and how I was. The amount of attention made me uncomfortable.
“How are you doing?” he asked, sitting on the bed. “I mean, that is a stupid question, actually. I’m sorry.” He ran his hand across his black spiked hair. The tattoos on his arms stretched as his muscles tightened. The red muscle tee he wore did nothing to hide the art peeking out on his back and sides.
A single one caught my eye:Angel. A halo wrapped around the cursive letters in watercolor ink. It was a stark contrast to the other black and white line-art tattoos.
Kai was a stranger turned unexpected savior. I tugged at my fingers and shifted on my feet. A cascade of conflicting emotions ran through me. I was grateful for his help—and for Carson’s.But, I was also terrified and on the edge of panic since I woke up. Strangers were concerned for my safety, concerned forme.
But…I killed someone. The thought wrapped around my throat like Nate’s hand. What would I have done in that alleyway if Kai hadn’t shown up? Would I still be laying there, soaking in a man’s blood as I screamed?
I took a deep breath, meeting his stare. Time seemingly stood still as the silence grew between us. He wasn’t shaken or fearful. There was only worry.
“I’m okay. I, uh, I wanted to say thank you,” I said, those two little words not enough.
“No need.” Kai shrugged it off, reaching for me. He retracted his hand immediately, trying to play it off by running his palm against his jeans.
“This is awkward, huh?” I asked, sitting down next to him.
“Absolutely.” He chuckled, the sound sweet. “But, that’s okay. Sometimes the best things come from awkwardness.”
“Is that so?” I arched my eyebrow.
“I think I read it on one of those inspirational wall signs—you know, with the words on it.”
“Ah, is that how that works?” I giggled.
He stared at me with wide, confused eyes, as if I shocked him into silence. “You have a beautiful laugh.”
My cheeks flushed with heat. “Thanks,” I muttered.
“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable?—”
I placed my hand up, stopping his sentence. I didn’t need nor want the kid gloves. I only wanted normalcy. Ineedednormalcy. “I think it’s a bit too late to avoid that, don’t you think?”