I twisted my wrist, trying to wiggle free. It only made him tighten his grip.
“She said no,” a voice boomed from behind me.
The grip loosened, and I stumbled backward. I didn’t want to be near this man. Every warning alarm in my head and my gut screamed to leave.
“Must be a hard word for you, huh, Nate? Learning words like no.” The mystery voice moved to my side, stepping protectively in between us.
“Oh, fuck off, Kai.” Nate rolled his eyes and stood up, rolling his shoulders. “We’re still inourterritory, little thief.”
Kai crossed his arms, his back still to me. “Come kick me out, then.”
Nate glared at him, their conversation heavy with undertones I didn’t understand. Nate grumbled curses before grabbing his beer and wandering off.
The tension cut in the air, and it was as if the world sped back up again. I was okay. Everything was fine.
“Are you good?” Kai asked, turning toward me.
Relief flooded me the moment I met his kind eyes, before I shoved it away, of course. I was smarter than that. No one, especially in this bar,savedanyone without wanting something in return.
“Fine,” I said, shrugging off his hand resting on my shoulders.
He cautiously studied the surrounding crowd, his hand gently running through his jet-black hair, pressing down the subtle spikes. A faint whiff of his cologne reached my nose as he stepped closer to me. Curiosity got the best of me as I continueddrinking him in. His buttons were carelessly popped open, the artwork on his chest catching my eye immediately. He was strong, but not overly chiseled.
I tore my gaze away, burying any of the attraction I found in him. I refused to let him get the wrong idea. He could save me from the creepy man, but that was all he got.
“Here with someone?” he asked, still keeping an eye on the crowd.
“Yes,” I said, my confidence back.
He leaned in closer to me, his hot breath tickled my skin. “Liar,” he whispered and lingered close, his cologne wrapping around me, the scent woody and masculine.
My phone buzzed in my hand, and he stepped back.
“Have a friend meeting you, then?” His stare locked on my phone screen.
“You ask a lot of questions that you won’t be getting answers to,” I said, trying not to let my face fall. The text message was enough to ruin my evening of fun.
Sorry, babe. Can’t make it tonight. Something came up with Jameson.
“And why is that?” he asked, taking the seat next to me.
I remained standing, uncertain what I was going to do. I should head straight home and curl into bed. The disappointment of Lexi standing me up was enough to send me down a spiral. There was no time for that. Not with the board meetings tomorrow, and my parents suddenly breathing down my neck. For some reason, I felt the necessity to prove them wrong.
“I was taught not to talk to strangers,” I said, shooting him my best smile. “Besides, I’m leaving.” I pulled up my phone, finding the rideshare app. Tonight was a bust.
Kai stood up, trailing behind me. “Let me at least walk you to the rideshare pickup.”
“I got it, thanks.” The humid air accosted me as I made my way outside, and the sound of the bar faded away.
I made my way down the boardwalk, toward the street. Cars didn’t pick up over here, but I didn’t mind the walk. The night air kissed my skin, the rain building in the sky. The waves crashing beneath me were calming as I stuffed my hands in my pocket.
The streets were almost deserted tonight, with only a handful of open restaurants and bars left. The faint hum of music echoed in the distance. The few remaining establishments still open would likely close soon, leaving the bar as the only option for a late night out.
But in the quietness of the empty streets, a chill ran down my spine. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, as if warning me of an unseen presence lurking in the shadows. Despite the warm glow of the streetlights, the darkness seemed to swallow everything around me, amplifying the eerie feeling of being watched.
My phone pinged to let me know the driver was only a few minutes away.