Lexi was from another rich and powerful family, an empire of her own she would soon inherit laid ready for her on the other side of town. Her family lived near the cliffs, known for its rich assholes—and her father was no exception.
But, Daddy’s money wasn’t wasted on her. She used it in excess. I suppose we both did. Until recently. I had toned down my escapades, muted by recent situations.
“Your mother invited me to the Women’s Tea today after the game. I figured I would stop by early and see if you were around.”
I nodded, frustrated at my mother. I didn’t want to see Lexi—ever.
“Breaking news!” The TV’s volume shot up, ringing in my ears. Insults ricocheted through the crowd as the game wasinterrupted by a news anchor. Her hair was curled to perfection, looking like a doll on screen.
“A body was found on the beach today, a stab wound in his neck and his body weighed down. I must warn you the images you are about to see are graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.”
I stared at the image, bewildered, not believing this was real. I had to be in a nightmare. Eventually, I would wake up and all of it would have been adream.
But the longer Nate’s body remained on screen, the more life closed in on me.
Liam leaned forward, his jaw tightening and his shoulders tensing. Kai squeezed my hand, his jaw dropping open.
“Police are urging anyone with information regarding who this man is or what may have transpired to come forward…"
I didn’t hear the rest of what she said.
My head spun, and my vision spotted. This was it. My life was over.
The police would connect him to me, and I would be behind bars. I could see it now ‘Santora Party Girl Convicted of Murder.’ Nothing in the article would mention the violence he committed. No, why would they? That wouldn’t make for a captivating headline.
I turned to Kai. All color had drained from his face. Liam’s glare narrowed in on me. I reached for my drink, my hand shaking. The clatter of the glass sped the world up around me.
Liam jumped to his feet as the glasses knocked over. The liquid ran straight for him.
“Oh, let me help you with that,” Lexi said, oblivious to the world-shattering news all of us experienced. She dabbed the napkin on his shirt, inching dangerously low to his waistband.
“It’s fine,” Liam muttered, screaming at Kai with his eyes.Please make her stop.
“Lexi,” I warned.
She looked up at me, a coy smile behind the wide innocent eyes. “Just trying to help,” she said, pouting. Then she tossed the napkin onto the table, her attention split between Kai and Liam.
A jealousy roared to life in front of me as I noticed her spending way too much time taking in Kai’s stature. I wanted to scream at her, claiming him as mine. But I was paralyzed by the news still sinking in.
“We should get going, we don’t wanna be late,” Kai said with the best smile he could muster. He tossed a protective arm around my shoulder as we stood.
“Oh, where are you guys going?” Lexi called as Kai led me away.
“None of your business,” Liam muttered, catching up.
A smirk crossed my lips as I imagined what Lexi would look like standing there, her jaw cranked open in surprise. I couldn’t remember a time a man disregarded her like that. But as Liam caught up, he shot me a wink.
It was intentional. At that moment, I knew that maybe…just maybe…I had a fighting chance for my freedom.
Chapter 26
“How in the actual hell was the body found?” Carson yelled. She paced the wooden floor, concerned and confused. Her shoes tapped against the ground, increasing the pounding headache developing in the center of my forehead.
I stared at the yellow walls behind her, leaning forward on her couch.
Logan lifted his hand, drawing it down as if it was an elevator to indicate she should lower her volume. Audry was finally asleep in Carson’s guest bed. She had cried for what seemed like an entire hour. Her body shook as she fell asleep. Once she was safe, I snuck away, dead set on getting information.