What day was it?I thought. I snatched my phone from the nightstand, trying to flick it on as sleep threatened to pull me back down. The screen never came to. “Fuck,” I muttered into the darkness.

I glanced at the window, the darkened city asleep. I reached over, plugged in my phone, and rolled over to go back to sleep. Twilight dreams started up. The feeling of being awake andasleep at the same time was possibly the worst thing for me. The memory of him groaning in my ear forced me back awake.

I stood up, making my way to the bathroom. After peeing and nodding off as I sat on the toilet, I decided that whatever day it was, it didn’t matter. I was going to spend it in bed and possibly with ice cream.

The bathroom was a wreck, having been neglected for who knows how long. I pushed my clothes gathering on the sink onto the floor, the single orange scarf catching my attention.

These aren’t a mark of what he did.I rolled my eyes as Kai’s voice tugged at my heartstrings. I shouldn’t have yelled at him, but what other choice did I have? Most of it was frustration, some confusion, but mostly embarrassment. I’d thrown myself at him, drowning myself in his touch.

I splashed cold water on my face, making my way back to bed. My phone blinked on the nightstand, message after message filling up my lock screen. I scrolled through the screen, tugging the blankets around me. Worried messages from Kai stretched across the screen. The ones from my parents were expectedly rude.


Please talk to me. I just need to know you are okay.

I hesitated at his most recent one before moving on.


Hey, sis. Just FYI, Mom is planning on heading your way in the morning. Not sure how serious she was, but you did miss Tuesday Tea.

Andrew, my sweet little brother, and his mysterious ways of collecting information. I only had a single text from him, awarning I didn’t care about. I wouldn’t open the door this time—for anyone.

The final message on the list froze me solid. It was as if my entire stomach, although empty, decided to run up and sit in my throat.


How have you been, girly? Haven’t heard from you in a while. We are going to The Escape in a bit.

Please please please join! I am going through withdrawals without seeing your beautiful face.


Hey, we’re heading there now. This time, I’m serious. Promise not to stand you up.


Are you okay?


I stared at the messages burning into my retinas. How come she got to continue her life as if nothing happened? Everyone around me was so normal while I broke down. Couldn’t they see that?

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. An angry yell erupted in my chest before I tossed my phone to the wall. The case came off as the phone clattered to the floor.

“This is your fault,” I mumbled.

Chapter 22


‘We were summoned’ weren’t exactly the best words to hear at three in the morning with an angry Liam hovering over your bed. Nor was it the best thing to hear when I hadn’t heard from Audry in days. Still, Logan and I were dressed and downstairs within moments, following Liam to the car.

Night hung over us as we drove toward a potential trap. No one said anything as Liam sped down the empty roads. A distant rumble of thunder accompanied us, almost foreshadowing our demise.

I sent Audry a few more texts, adding them to the list I had already sent with no response.

She has to be okay, I thought over and over again. I refused to entertain theories about why we were summoned by Samuel, Liam’s father, and the devil incarnate. If I did, I might have to face the idea that Audry was caught.