Page 48 of A Whole New Game

I worry Corey is going to retreat into his shell, but he rises to the occasion. “I’m saying I want to do what I wanted all those years ago, Carlee. I want us to date. We can take things slow, but I want to give us a chance. Arealchance.”


My heart beats like a galloping horse, threatening to burst out of my chest from happiness. But I make one last attempt to ensure I’m not going to get my hopes up when I ask, “Are you sure?”

“Carlee.” He squeezes our hands. “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my damn life.”



The streetsof the downtown River District are teeming with life as players from the Lonestars and other teams are out and about, hanging with friends, family, and fans in the trendy part of the lowkey, Florida town. Corey and I walk next to each other, taking in the show around us. Neither of us speaks unless it’s to point out someone we know or someone doing something amusing—like the two players from the Dunes we saw dancing along the railing of the rooftop bar to the girly pop song playing over the speakers.

Things have been easy between us since Corey’s declaration at the bar, but I can’t help but feel like it won’t last. It’s been less than an hour, but I’m already thinking of the no-fraternization policy Patti told me about just a few short weeks ago. It looms over my head like a shadow, threatening to darken my budding happiness the moment it has a chance.

I should bring it up to Corey, but I’m worried. Despite the mistakes he made with us in the past, we were once close friends. He cares about me, and he won’t want to risk ruining my career by being together.

But being with him is all I ever wanted.

I hate the possibility that he might end things between us out of a misguided attempt to put my happiness first.

I’m aware it’s too early to tell, but there’s a very real chance that this potential relationship is what will make me happy. Happier than a job could ever make me…

Ugh.Is that pathetic?

It probably is.

A girl is supposed to be independent and strong. She isn’t supposed to base her happiness on a man. Not even one as amazing as Corey Johnson.

Then I think about my parents. What will they say when they learn about me and Corey? Or what will happen if things go bad? My parents missed Corey these past few years, and they’re glad to have him back in our lives. What if our attempt at dating ruins everything? Is this risk worth it?

I don’t even allow myself to think about Carter and what his reaction would be to any of this. Suffice to say, it won’t be good.

“I can hear you thinking,” Corey leans close, holding onto my elbow to help steer me around a group of intoxicated girls stumbling on the sidewalk next to us. “What’s wrong?”

I turn my head to look at him. “Nothing is wrong.”

“That’s a lie.”

“I mean it, there’s nothing wrong. I’m… happy we’re doing this.”

“Uh-huh.” Corey draws me to a stop and guides me so we’re out of the way of pedestrians trying to walk past us. “Talk to me, Carlee. This relationship will only work if you talk to me.”

“So… that’s what this is. A relationship?”

He frowns. “What else would it be?”

“I don’t know. I think we should be casual.” The words slide off my tongue, and I immediately regret them. I don’t want to be casual with Corey, but I don’t want to scare him away by admitting I want more.

An angry scowl twists Corey’s mouth. “No.”

I rear back from the sharp note in his voice. “No, what?”

“I know you, Carlee. You aren’t a girl who does casual flings. And I don’t want to be your first. Either you’re in this with me or you’re not.”

I’ve never felt simultaneous elation and fear until that moment.

“But don’t you think we should take things slow? That we should get to know each other again after all the years apart?”