Page 95 of A Whole New Game

We’re one step from the door—one step away from Corey essentially ending his career—when Mr. Wilson, once again, calls out, “Wait!”

“No.” Corey continues walking. His stubbornness is showing. I pull back on his hand, forcing him to stop or let go. He chooses the former.

He looks at me with an arched brow. I return it with a pointed look.

He grunts and rotates to face the owner. “Yes?”

Mr. Wilson’s expression is resigned, but his tone is firm. “The team doesn’t want to lose either of you. The Lonestars will be willing to overlook your relationship if both parties agree to sign a document stating the relationship will not compromise your work performance or else your employment contracts will be terminated.”

“That seems like an arbitrary statement,” Avery says.

“Your lawyers can review the wording before we sign the official document,” he offers as a compromise. “What do you say, Corey? Ms. Jones?”



Everyone in the room looks at me, shocked by my refusal. Even I’m surprised by my reply.

“Well, that is unexpected…” Mr. Wilson trails off, clearly unhappy.

The people-pleaser in me wants to walk back my refusal, but I don’t. Ican’t.

I feel Corey watching me. I’m not certain what he sees, but whatever it is, it has him saying, “Could we have the room a minute?”

It’s a bold move to ask the owner of the Lonestars to leave his own office, but Corey doesn’t even hesitate.

CJ scoffs. “This is myfather’soffice.”

“It’s quite all right, CJ. We can let the couple chat. Mrs. Moreno, would you care to join me for a coffee in the lobby?”

The beautiful PR agent nods. “Of course.” She pats Corey’s shoulder and gives me another kind smile before moving to the owner’s side. Mr. Wilson escorts her out of his office. CJ follows close behind.

The moment the door closes, I whirl on Corey. “I can’t let you do this.”

“Do what?”

“Risk your career for me. Avery is right, the document Wilson proposes will be vague and its enforcement arbitrary. We can sign it, but the moment the Lonestars are angry with you, they can use it to force you to do what they want. If you don’t one, or both of us, can be fired.”

“If they do that, I’ll make good on my threat and find another team.”

“You don’t know if one will take you?—”

“But I won’t find another you,” he continues as if I didn’t speak. The vehemence in his declaration renders me speechless. “I’ll never forgive myself if you lose your dream job because of me, Carlee. This is a solution. It may not be perfect, but I say we take it and let future chips fall where they may.”

His words are so similar to what I was just thinking about him not half an hour ago.

“But what aboutyourdream job?” I counter softly. My heart flutters at the thought of his man being willing to make such a sacrifice for me. “You say you’ll be fine, but after the rumors about the World Series, there’s no guarantee another team will want to take a chance on you.”

“If that’s what happens, then it’s what’s meant to happen,” he declares with one hundred percent sincerity. “Besides, being with youismy dream, Carlee. It always has been. I won’t play for a team that fires you because we’re together. You matter more. I love you.”

I suck in a breath. My hands begin to shake. “W-what did you just say?”

His gaze softens. “I love you, Carlee Jones. Everything else in my life will work itself out. Just as long as I’m with you.”

I wrack my brain for a more romantic declaration. I can’t think of one. “You’re crazy,” I whisper.

“Crazy about you.” He grabs my hand and kisses my knuckles, not looking away from me for a second. “So, should Icall in Wilson’s assistant and ask her to shred your termination paperwork?”