Page 77 of Worthy of Fate

“I want you.”

A low growl rumbled in his chest and his body turned rigid.

“You want me.” I stepped closer, glancing down at the evidence pressing against his pants.

“I do.”

I slowly removed my jacket, watching him track the movement with wide eyes, and dropped it to the forest floor. His eyes snapped back up. Those silver irises clashed with mine in the darkness of the night. I wanted the bond of my mate. I wantedhim.

“Then claim me.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


“What?” Ryker choked out, clenching his jaw so hard I thought his teeth might crack from the tension.

“Take me, Ryker,” I breathed.

I stepped closer to him until I was near enough to reach out and touch him. His hand flew to the back of my head, gripping my hair at the base but not touching my skin, and pulled me to him. I gasped and put my hands on his muscular chest. It felt warm beneath my touch and I wanted to feel his bare skin against mine.

“Stop,” he grunted in a whisper. “I can’t control myself.”

I tilted my head back to look him in the eyes; the silver in them seemed brighter, glowing almost.

“So don’t.”

“Gods…this is so fucking hard,” he said breathlessly as his face moved closer to mine. I could feel his breath against my mouth.

My tongue swiped across my bottom lip before biting it. His eyes were filled with desperate hunger, and a low growl reverberated through his chest. My breathing increased, each rise of my chest causing the peak of my breasts to rub against his body. Wetness pooled in my core as it throbbed, begging to be filled. His cock twitched against my stomach as I pushedmy body against his. His body scorched mine in every place it touched and I wanted more of it.

“Ryker,” I pleaded, my eyelids fluttered shut as he moved his lips closer to mine.

“Kya, I can’t.”

My heart sank and I opened my eyes. He released his grasp on my hair and pulled away from me quickly. I instantly felt the chill of the night, already missing his heat. I gaped at him.

“I thought you wanted this?” I asked. Fighting against myself to not claw my way back to him. Now that I had had him so close, I didn’t want to separate ever again.

“I do,” he rasped. “But I can’t. I’m sorry.”

I had thought perhaps that my mind was playing tricks on me in the darkness when wings appeared behind him. But then he turned and I could see the black leathery appendages protruding from his back, his shirt ripped into slits where they had emerged. He spread them out to the sides, the membrane was etched with scars and at the tip of the center of each wing had a curved claw. My eyes widened.

That’s why he would seem to disappear.

He glanced back at me over his shoulder for just a moment, his eyes full of sorrow, before he beat his wings once, causing a gust of wind that propelled him into the night sky.

Cold and alone in the darkness, I slumped to my knees on the forest floor and dropped my head into my hands to stifle a sob.

All at once, the veil of the bond lifted and the reality of what I had just done, what I had asked him to do rushed back into me. I had asked him to claim me. I didn’t even know it. Then it hit me.Ryker, Lord of Oryn and Worthy to Xareus, the God of Chaos.

Gods, I had been so absorbed by him that I hadn’t even thought of who he was. Feared for his ruthlessness, he and hisNation were a force to be reckoned with and, if the rumors were true, had a taste for the blood of his enemies.

Was I his enemy? The Sage female at the Temple of the Fallen God had warned me to watch out for the other Worthy. Not only was I a Worthy with no Nation, but I was also Atarian by birth. I had never sworn citizenship to Riyah, therefore I was still Atarian and technically forbidden. But it would be a cold day in Odes’s grave before I let him find that out.

But he didn’t seem like he was a threat, and he did say that he wouldn’t hurt me. Mates were compelled to protect one another, not harm. But he did deny me.
