Page 35 of Worthy of Fate

The island.

“I think I know ‘what has a river that does not flow’,” Njall breathed.

I marveled at the glowing shapes above us. One in particular caught my eye. The side of my lips curved up into a smile. “A map.”

Chapter Fifteen


We saw it at the same time. The map showed a path leading from the backside of the mountain, down to the beach and along the perimeter of the island where it ended at a crescent shaped symbol. We shared a hopeful look with each other before we sprinted down to the sandy beach.

After a few more minutes, we came upon cliffs, separating the lapping waves of the ocean from the land above. Up ahead, I heard the groans of what sounded like a male. Njall and I pressed our bodies flush to the cliffside and crept our way around the bend of the beach.

A male, trailing blood and holding his side with one arm, a sword in the other, limped his way to what the crescent symbol on the map referenced. An arch. A tall stone arch that was filled with the same soft glow as the map on the mountain, stood at the base of the cliff facing the water. It glistened in the darkness, like an ethereal beacon.

I recognized the contestant from the temple, but I didn’t remember seeing him on the mountain slopes. His shoulder-length hair was as dark as his tattoo-covered skin, tangled in his torn and bloodied clothing. The Ulriktin looked like he had been through hell. Then again, I was pretty sure that waswhere we were, and I knew I didn’t look any better. The male slowly limped his way toward the arch, briefly pausing under it to study the looming architecture, before he took a final step through and…vanished.

My eyes widened. The arch was some kind of gateway.

That’s how we would get out of here. This was it. The way out of the Woltawa Forest and off this godsforsaken island. We had made it.

My heart pounded in my chest with anticipation and the unfamiliar feeling of hope.

Njall and I stepped out from around the cliff and sheathed our weapons, our feet sinking slightly into the damp sand, leaving footprints behind us. I didn’t know what to expect on the other side of the arch and my heart raced at the thought, but I held my chin up anyway. I would not cower before the Gods. I had solved their damned riddle.

A growing whistle sounded before it abruptly ended with a fleshy thump. I knew that sound. I’d been the cause of it countless times before. Njall grunted, dropping to his side and holding his leg—an arrow sticking out of it. The hair on the back of my neck stood as instinct overtook me.

In one swift motion, I whirled around, grabbing for my daggers behind my back, and threw them toward the sound of quickly approaching feet slapping on the sand. I wasn’t quick enough. Just as the blades left my fingertips, a male tackled me to the ground. The air left my lungs as my back was slammed onto the grainy sand, my wooden bow snapping underneath me and splintering into my skin. Pushing with all my strength, I tried to scramble from underneath him. The male grabbed daggers from his thighs, and held one to my neck while plunging the other through my hand.

A pained scream ripped from my throat. Njall roared, spewing curses at the male. I couldn’t think, the pain in my palm blindingmy mind. I barely registered the weight lifting off me as Njall crashed into the male, pulling him off—the muted sound of sand scattering from their tussle.

The sound of grunts and flesh striking flesh was insignificant to the ringing in my ears as I rolled over and yanked the blade from my hand. I knew it was foolish to remove the blade, the bleeding would only worsen, but I couldn’t function without it. I whimpered through my tightly pressed lips as tears escaped. A glint of light caught my eye as a sword was hurled into the deep ocean waters.

I jumped to my feet, holding my bleeding hand to my chest and the dagger in the other. Njall’s body was against the rocky cliff to my side, blood running down his face and dripping onto his rapidly moving chest. The sound of creaking wood and taunt string had my head snapping in the other direction to the male who had his bow aimed for Njall.

I can’t let this happen. Njall doesn’t deserve this.

Time slowed to a near stop as the arrow was released at the same time as my blade, while I dove between the arrow and Njall.

Everything went white, and then a deep otherworldly voice rang out all around me. “It’s her.”

I waited for the pain in my chest, but it never came. There was no sound of the waves, or Njall’s labored breathing. I couldn’t see past the blindingly bright light all around me. It only lasted for a moment but, I wondered if this was what it was like to finally greet death.

The light faded, and the sound of leaves rustling in a breeze had my eyelids slowly prying apart, blinking several times to adjust. When I could focus again, my breath caught in my throat and my mouth fell open.

Luscious green grass gently swayed in a vast field with large trees spaced throughout. Somehow, it felt ancient here. The air was warm with a gentle wind blowing through my hair. Everything was bathed in soft light, yet the sky held no sun. There were so many colors all around me. It was beautiful. A sense of tranquility and peace washed over me as all of my worries melted away—a contentment I had never known. I didn’t think of the Glaev or the Trial or the beasts or the contestants or my bleeding hand. Not even of Njall. All of it was gone. I prayed this was the afterlife, and I never wanted to leave.

Maybe I did die.

I slowly spun to take in my surroundings and when I made a full circle, a radiant figure stood before me.

Draped in white silk, the female—more beautiful than any I had ever seen—glowed with ethereal elegance and might. She had black hair cascading around her slender body. She was tall, more than a head taller than me, and her delicate feet hovered just above the ground. Not a female. No.

A Goddess.

A voice of silk and honey glided through the air. “Hello Kya. I am Kleio.”

Kleio. The Silent God. The Mother and Goddess of Atara, my homeland.