Page 158 of Worthy of Fate

With his reluctant nod, I entered the cell. Malina threw up a wall of light, obscuring the inside of the cell from the outside and bending her light on the inside so that we could not see the outside, giving us privacy.

Malina backed against the wall and remained silent as I stepped toward the Sage, crouching down in front of her. The putrid odor of her filth invaded my nostrils.

“Hello Vicria.” My voice was poisonous.

“Well if it isn’t the Worthy with no lands. Oh wait, I’m mistaken. I suppose being mated with the Lord of Oryn grants you a ruling over his Nation as well. One can only hope that the other Worthy won’t see this as a threat to their positions of power.” She rolled her eyes, keeping her gaze from meeting my face.

So she could tell. That means the rest of the Sages could too.

I tilted my head to the side. “You don’t truly care about that now, do you?” I felt a familiar set of heavy steps that I would know anywhere in the tunnels we entered through. I ignored it.

She sighed exaggeratedly.

“She’s yet to be broken.” Malina’s voice was calm and lethal.

Whatever interrogation techniques the guards used, it was far too merciful. Simply holding her here, and maybe a few beatings, wasn’t enough to crack her.

“We can fix that,” I said with a lilt.

Vicria scoffed and mumbled something under her breath.

Too quickly for her to react, I pulled my daggers from behind my back and stabbed my blades through the back of her hands, into the thin pad beneath and the floor below. She wailed and tried to pull back, but I held them steady.

“Now,” I said with a low voice once her screaming turned to cries through gritted teeth. She trembled from the pain. “I have some questions I need you to answer, and I want to make sure I have your undivided attention.” It felt good to slip back into the skin of a Roav once again. “If you answer honestly, Imightjust take out my blades when I leave here. Do you understand?”

“You vilebitch,” she spat. I pressed my blades forward slightly and she screamed. “Yes! Yes! I understand!”

“Oh good!” I said mockingly.

Malina chuckled quietly from her corner.

Ryker spoke through the bond then.“What are you doing?”

I could feel him standing just outside the cell and sense his emotions, a mix of anger and worry and longing for his mate.

My shadow would always come for me.

I thought for a moment while Vicria was still screaming.

Maybe Ryker being here could prove to be beneficial.

I knew how he felt about using his magic, and I hated myself for asking him to use it.

“I need answers. Some things are not adding up from what I read. I know you said her mind is blocked but you also said you can still hear her active thoughts. My shadow, can you enter her mind and see if she’s telling the truth?”I asked carefully.

He hesitated for a moment before responding with a sigh.“Yes, little gem. I would do anything for you.”

Vicria had stopped screaming and I spoke. “First question: were you the one controlling the Glaev attacks?”

“No,” Vicria bit out.

“Not a lie but not the complete truth,”Ryker said to me.

“Tell me more. Explain it to me,” I demanded.

“I would find a location and it would be destroyed by the Glaev.”
