Page 40 of Worthy of Fate

“Your presence is no longer required. The Gods have chosen. You will not be challenged.”

I kept the relief from my features and silently sent thanks to Xareus that he did not choose the contestant who was fated to me. Even though the Gods bestowed the mating bond, I wouldn’t have put it past them to have a pair duel to the death for the sake of entertainment.

But I couldn’t leave yet, I needed to see my mate.

“I will remain until the contestants return. Have one of the other Sages come to my tent when they have.” My voice wascold, demanding.

Vicria stepped closer, our bodies nearly touching, and I resisted the urge to retreat. “I’m afraid I must insist. Return to your home, you are no longer needed.”

“Enough.” I pushed past her and stormed my way up the temple steps, Vicria followed with a huff. “Sages.” I greeted them with a slight bow of my head.

“Lord Ryker.” A tall male, Zareb, spoke after bowing in return, “I hope you have not been waiting to be challenged. The Worthy have been chosen, and Xareus did not select a contestant. You may return to your Nation.”

“As I have told Vicria, I will stay. The bond of my mate has been enacted, a Worthy.”

Elated gasps broke out amongst the group. The mating bond was a sacred gift from the Gods, one cherished deeply by the Sages. The female beside me fumed with rage while holding her composure in front of her brethren.

“An unfortunate situation,” she shouted over the gleeful chatting of the other Sages and I couldn’t help but notice the slight scent of nervousness from her. “This could cause a great imbalance in power.”

I glared at her from the corner of my eye as she gave an innocent looking smile.

Always the manipulator.

“How do you mean?” another male asked.

“Two Worthy being mated? This is unheard of. Even if they are both from different Nations, they would be a formidable pair,” she stated, with a fake worried expression plastered across her face

Damn right we would be.

“That does not guarantee an imbalance.” I didn’t bother hiding the annoyance from my voice.

Vicria ignored me as she continued. “We’ve all heard the rumors of Lord Rykers insatiable greed, and I don’t need to remind you of the Battle of Red Waters, named for his bloodlust.”

Absurd. That battle was won before it ever began and it wouldn’t have even begun if not for the tyrannical appetite of Hamal and his ignorance of just how far I would go to protect my Nation. Ulrik’s blatant disregard of our peace laws brought it upon themselves when they attacked my borders from the sea.

“What’s to say that he would not seal the bond and use this female to overrule another Nation, or all of them? If theymated,” Vicria spat the word as if it were rancid. “They could be unstoppable.”

The group of Sages began quietly muttering to themselves. Vicria swept out her arm, gesturing to the tents of the other Lords and Ladies.

“Do you not think they would feel threatened by this union of power?” She continued to feign innocence and righteousness. I wanted to beat her face in, but I would not be sentenced to death over that low-life excuse for a Sage.

“This needs to be discussed, immediately.” Zareb stepped forward. He turned to one of the Sages next to him. “Call the Lords and Ladies. This matter must be handled before the Worthy return.”

Chaos erupted outside the temple after the Lords and Ladies were summoned and informed of the situation. I remained still, refusing to engage in this ridiculous debacle.

She’s my mate and I will have her. No Sage or Worthy will stop me.

Practically in unison, the Lords and Ladies collectively demanded that I deny the sacred bond, arguing back and forth on how to deal with the situation. I finally grew tired of listening to their bickering aboutmymating bond.

“The Gods granted this bond. My mate has been fated to me. I will not deny them, nor her. I can guarantee that I have no interest in seizing other Nations.”

The shouting grew louder, Sages and Worthy alike pressing for retribution for my denial of their proposal and voicing their distrust. Vicria smiled maliciously as she stepped into the center of the horde circled around me. I narrowed my eyes. She was the one who was not to be trusted.

“I believe that there can be an alternate solution, one in which the two Worthy may be together without contest.” The crowd quieted, giving her their full attention with wary looks. She turned to face me. “Undergo the Raith. Forfeit your wielding, your magic, your bonds, and your Worthy status. Both of you. You and your mate would no longer be a threat.”

My teeth clenched. I fought to keep my magic contained as it begged to eliminate the true threat standing before me.

What is her problem?