Page 174 of Worthy of Fate

“Oh? And how is that? You’re trying to stop me frommydecision for the sake of what you think is best for me. It’s no different from how he is.” I could feel the bite in her words.

“It is different.” My voice grew louder.

“How? How is this any different?”

“Because if something happens and I don’t make it back with Nik, you’ll be the only one left…” I squeezed my eyes closed and exhaled. “I don’t think you’d be able to do anything anyway. No element seems to have an effect on this male. I’m not going to lose the last family I have left.”

“Oh boohoo.” My eyes snapped open just in time to see her rolling her eyes. “You know, for someone who’s so godsdamn smart, you’re pretty fucking stupid sometimes. It doesn’t matter if any of us are left. Ifyou’regone, then there’s no chance that anyone else can come back. That’s your task, isn’t it? Restore the balance and bring them back? How are you going to do that if you’re dead?” she whispered. “This is bigger than any one of us. This is for them.”

I didn’t respond. I couldn’t say anything against that.

“What exactly do you have planned anyway? You’re just going to go find this male and hit him with some green light, all by yourself, and hope that he brought Nik along with him?”

“No.” Malina narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “I…I don’t know. I don’t have all the answers. I’m going off of very little, andmost of that is just based on guesses.” I hated not being certain. Not having a plan. There was so much that was unknown, and that left too many possibilities.

Her eyes softened. “Kya, it’s alright to not have all the answers. But let us help you. Let us decide for ourselves what to risk, and let me help you sort through this. Come on. “ She got up and came to sit next to me. “Let’s work it out!”

The side of my mouth lifted. Maybe she was right. Maybe this time, I needed to work with others rather than alone.

“Alright.” I nodded.

“Well, tell pigeon boy to get back in here!”

“I heard that,”Ryker grumbled and I could practically hear his eyes rolling.

They all came back in and sat back down. Ryker sat on the other side of me, and I reached for his hand, pulling it into my lap. Hakoa and Mavris sat across from us. Mavris leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees.

“Right then. So Daegel is somewhere near the Rip according to stars, correct?” Malina started.

“Yes.” I nodded.

“And Kya’s energy magic harms him to some effect,” Hakoa said.

“All we really need to do then is distract Daegel enough so that Kya can get in a good shot. That seems simple enough,” Mavris said with a shrug.

“Easier said than done,” Hakoa muttered.

“Except we can’t kill him if Nik isn’t there. We need him alive to find out where he’s keeping him,” I said, and everyone’s heads turned to me.

“She’s right,” Ryker agreed. “But if he is there, then yes. We just need to make sure that we get Nikan away from Daegel first. Then Kya can hit him with her energy.”

“Let’s say that we are actually successful. What do we do after? Just go back to living our lives like nothing happened?” Malina slumped back with a sigh.

I tapped my chin and contemplated. I had thought of what my energy could truly do. “Well, first I need to see if what I think can happenwillhappen.”

Ryker looked at me questioningly.

I chuckled. “Come on. Let’s go find out.”

We all stood and left Hakoa’s barrack and made the trek to the edge of the city, where the Glaev surrounded what was left. I shivered, partly because of the cold and partly because of the sight before me. It was the first time I had seen the extent of the destruction.

I broke away from Ryker’s arm around my shoulder and walked over to the Glaev, standing before it and staring at the decimated terra. I hated the sight of it, the empty black hole that I could feel, the reminder of the mindless destruction it brought by simply being.

Without a second thought, I called my magic to me and swirling tendrils filled my outstretched palms, tingling across my skin. I concentrated on what I wanted it to do, and pushed it to the Glaev-infected land in front of me. Ryker approached and stood behind, watching and not disturbing me as my magic spread across the blackened area. But then people had started to gather and were whispering amongst themselves. My magic started to dwindle, my concentration diminishing.

What if this didn’t work? What if I was wrong or worse, what if this did more damage than good?

I started to pull back my magic, but then shadows enveloped all around me and I felt the heat of Ryker’s body at my back. His breath brushed against my ear as he spoke.