Page 171 of Worthy of Fate

I looked at him skeptically. “You do?”

He nodded and stood, extending a hand to lead me back inside the cave. I followed him back to the alcove where we slept. He gestured to the corner where he had left the book when he returned last night. I walked over to pick it up and noticed other books piled with it as well.

“What are these?” I asked. He was putting on a shirt he pulled from the wardrobe.

“Oh. Um, books. For you. I know you said that you like love stories, and I found a few while I was sorting through the rubble and thought you might like them for when we stay here.” He smiled as I started to flip through the pages.

They were indeed stories filled with romance and adventure, just what I loved. I looked back to him with a wide grin. The small notion of picking out books for me in the destruction of his home made my heart flutter.

“Thank you, Ryker. I really appreciate this and yes, this is exactly what I like.”

His chest puffed out slightly. I placed the novels down and brought the dark book to the bed and crossed my legsunderneath me with the book between Ryker and I as he climbed on the bed as well.

I opened the book and was surprised to find that all of the notes from me and Rolim were still safely tucked within the pages. We delved into my notes and continued some additional translations.

“Look at this. Right here.” I pointed to one of the notes and Ryker leaned over. “This is what I didn’t understand but after hearing Daegel recite some of these words, in the manner that he did, I think he was…summoning this magic to do something specific. Because he said some of these other words and it did something entirely different from his magic. And this one here specifically says something like assimilation.”

“Assimilation of what? Why is that significant?”

“It’s what Vicria said. She said that the Glaevabsorbsthe energy of life. And remember when I said that there was that thing about some kind of reserve?”

“Yeah. It’s like his own personal power reserves. She confirmed that. That Daegel could only do so much damage at one time and wanted maximum spiritual life dependent upon how much he had,” he said with a nod while jotting a few things down himself.

“Yes but I don’t think that’s all of it. I think he has only a certain amount of reserve for his magic but I also think that the energy being absorbed is assimilated somewhere…else.”

“For what? And what about the prism? That stops the dark magic from being wielded. So we could do to him what we did to Vicria.” He leaned forward.

“I don’t know what the energy would be stored for or how. And I don’t think a physical diamond was what the book was actually talking about and Vicria wasn’t even the wielder so really it was all pointless.”

“Good to know,” he mumbled.

“I think the jeweled prism was translated incorrectly. When I read with Mal, we came across what we thought was a conduit but there was also something about adaptation. I think it was referring to that.” I shrugged.

“With your energy…it seems to be something that truly affects Daegel, hurts him even. And there’s something else too.” I lifted my eyes to him. “I think you can reverse the Glaev.”

The side of my mouth lifted in a smirk. He was coming to the same conclusion that I had earlier when I realized that my magic, my energy, was like the opposite of dark magic, just in a different form.

“How much do you know about energy?” I asked, leaning in closer.

“Not much I suppose. Just that energy is in everything.”

“Exactly. And it isn’t something that can ever be destroyed either.” It was times like these that I was thankful that I had lived among Scholars and spent countless hours learning from them. “Energy can take every form you can possibly think of, and it will change from one form to another. The Glaev, dark magic, is just a form of energy that is consuming other types of energy. And I think that’s what Daegel wants me for. To adapt my form of energy to create more Glaev and assimilate more of the life energy to the reserve he’s building up with it. But,” I paused and took his hand with a smile. “I think that I can use my energy to shift the Glaev to another form so that it isn’t decimating the land anymore.”

“Kya, this could change everything. Our world won’t be dying anymore,” he said with a bright smile before grabbing my face and kissing me.

I pulled back and chuckled before my face fell. “It could. But Daegel has to be stopped first.”

“I already sent for Arra and the Vaavi. They’ll find him. And I’m betting they could use the help of a couple of Roav too, but we’ll have to wait out this storm first.”

I looked to the gems embedded in the walls, shining against the soft light of the fire. “He called me Diamond.”

Ryker released a heavy breath. “Yeah.”

“And with Vicria, when she started talking about the diamond he was looking for, you begged for me to stop.” I continued to gaze at the walls.

“Yeah,” he said again.

I turned to look at him. “You knew that the Diamond was me. Before she even said it.”