Page 160 of Worthy of Fate

“Kya. Let me in,”A demand.

Vicria lifted her head to look at me with a malicious smirk. “He’s been gathering information on finding someone specific. Someone he calls the Diamond. That’s the only one who can give him the amount of power that he needs in order to complete his ultimate task…”

“Malina, let me in!” Ryker shouted.

“…found within the darkness of fate…”

I looked back at Malina. She glanced between me and the light wall at the doorway with furrowed brows. I narrowed my eyes on Vicria as she continued.

“…a female. One of the last daughters…”

A conglomeration of shouting voices and commotion ensued behind me, but I kept my focus on Vicria, now wheezing and gasping for breath.

“…a Worthy with no Nation.”

My face paled and everything went silent in the room.

Vicria leaned in closer, pulling against the blades of her own will, our faces nearly touching. She whispered in a strained rasp, so that only I could hear, with a scowl on her face, “He’s coming for you. I held him off as long as I could, but the moment yousealed your mating, your power grew and he could sense you. I tried to warn you, but you just wouldn’t listen.”

“Warn me? Why didn’t you just come right out and say it?” My mind was all over the place with the amount of information.

“The curse mark on my chest. Go ahead and look,” she croaked.

My eyes widened when I ripped down her robe to see a black mark right over her heart like a blot of ink, spreading out across her body.

Ryker gripped me around the waist and lifted me up, holding me against his chest and backing away, leaving the daggers in Vicria’s hands. Malina came up in front of Vicria. I pushed off Ryker and whipped out my bow with an arrow aimed at the Sage.

“How do we stop him? How do we stop the Glaev?” Malina demanded, her hair was now a mess.

“Answer her,” I snarled when she didn’t say anything, pulling the arrow back farther.

“The Rip.” She hacked a cough, the curse starting to consume her. Her body began to convulse strenuously as she gasped desperately for air, hunching over with her head against the floor.

One of the guards behind me gasped when the black curse spread along her body, webbing out along her skin, through her veins. We all stepped back, pressing to the other end of the cell. She arched and threw her head back violently with her mouth gaping open in a silent scream. The whites of her eyes began to turn black.

Malina breathed, “It looks like—”

“The Onyx Kiss…” I finished. Ryker’s arm came back around my waist.

Vicria thrashed so violently that she ripped her hands from the daggers, slicing straight through the flesh and bone. She fellback, grasping and clawing at her chest and throat, the blood pouring from her hands staining her robes, and the blackness continuing to spread along her pale skin.

Then suddenly, she stopped. I felt her heart beat one last time.

No one said a word as we stood there, appalled at what we had just witnessed. I turned to face Ryker, noticing the cuts on his face that were already beginning to heal. I looked to Hakoa and the other guards to find their faces, arms, and chests cut as well. I eyed them all curiously then noticed the blood on Malina’s blades at her thighs.

“That wasn’t the Onyx Kiss. That was dark magic,” Malina said quietly.

I nodded.

“Kya?” Ryker whispered. His eyes met mine with a sad smile.

I felt his overwhelming emotions of longing, worry, and anger. The same as before. “Take me home.”

Chapter Fifty-Four


Iescorted Kya out of Voltaryn, hissing as I touched the cuts on my face.