Page 149 of Worthy of Fate

Electricity zapped through my body and soul as I finally had his lips against mine. His tongue licked against the seam of my lips and I parted them. He invaded my mouth and our tongues danced against each other. His fingers gripped my hair and he tilted my head back to go deeper, to taste more.

My hands gripped his shirt, pulling him closer to me. I had waited long enough.

“Ryker,” I said against his mouth. “Claim me.”

That was all it took. One kiss made me lose control and I had to have him. All of him.

And my mate didn’t hesitate.

He shifted his wings and lifted me up by my ass. I wrapped my legs around him, our mouths never parting and still devouring each other as if our souls had been starved our entire lives. He held me tightly against him and carried us into the air and toward the mountains.

Chapter Fifty


Everything about tonight drove me mad with desire. With want. Withneed. From seeing her wearing the dress of my Nation, made to match my eyes, to the way our bodies moved perfectly against each other, to the sweet taste of her mouth. Her scent of lavender and eucalyptus mixed with her arousal.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t wait.

Vicria had been secured, the threat to my people gone. And the moment Kya said those words, when she begged me to claim her, what remaining control I had snapped.

I wouldn’t deny the bond any longer. I wouldn’t deny her.

I shifted my wings, ripping them through my shirt. I lifted her into my arms and she wrapped her legs around my waist, her skirt bunching up at her hips, before I took to the skies.

The palace was close enough but I wanted us to have complete privacy, so instead, I flew us to my cave on the other side of the mountain. She would see the one place that was sacred to me and that I could truly be myself. A place all to my own that no one, not even Mavris, knew about. Her mouth never left mine even as we banked around the mountain. Those soft lips and voracious tongue would be the end of me. And I would have gladly accepted it.

It wasn’t until I gently landed us at the cave opening that she broke our kiss. But my mouth was instantly on her again, lapping and nipping at her throat as I walked us inside the tunnel and she took in the cave. With half a thought, I lit the sconces lining the walls and the hearth in the alcove that I was heading to.

“What is this place?” she asked, swiveling her head to glance around the space.

“My cave.Ourcave,” I corrected myself. Nothing was solely mine anymore. I would give her everything of mine. I wanted to give her every part of me.

When we entered the chamber, she let out a gasp. I lifted my head to see her gaping mouth and I had to hold myself back from taking it in mine. The chamber was lined with precious gems of every color, size, and shape. The light from the sconces made them sparkle. But it was nothing compared to the sparkle in her green eyes.

“It’s beautiful,” she breathed. I didn’t stop walking, too eager and desperate to take her to the bed.

“All the gems in the world wouldn’t be as beautiful as you,” I said.

She looked at me with hooded eyes and bit her bottom lip. And gods damn me if that wasn’t the sexiest little thing she did.

I stole her lip from her bite and sucked on it, eliciting a groan from her. The sound went straight to my already hardened cock.

I quickened my pace to the alcove near the back of the cave. Kya pulled her lip from me and crossed her arms over her chest, grabbing the hem of her top and ripped it over her head, baring her breasts to me. My breath left my lungs.

I took her breast in my mouth. She tossed her head back, releasing a moan that echoed off the walls. I smiled inwardly,wanting to learn every little thing that I could do to earn such glorious sound from her again and again.

“Take me now,” she snarled.

So eager.

“I’ve had a long time to fantasize about this moment. I’m not just going to fuck you against the cave wall. I will properly bed you. But first, I’m going to fuck you with my fingers, and then my tongue, before I give you my cock.”

Kya shivered from my words and my hot breath against her skin.

A moment later, I crossed the threshold into the alcove that held the bed. The fire in the hearth was warming the chilled room. I laid her on the bed and stood up straight. She gestured to my shirt. I shifted my wings away and removed my shirt, tossing it to the cave floor.

She sat up and licked up my stomach and chest, trailing her hands up and down my sides like she couldn’t touch me enough.