Page 145 of Worthy of Fate

Once she was inside I turned to face Odarum.“Where have you been the last few days? Having secret Spirit meetings in the Hylithria again?”

“As I have told you, time is different. What you perceive as a few days is only hours in comparison in Hylithria. But yes, that is where I have been.”

“Can you tell me anything this time?”I crossed my arms and leaned against the stair wall.

“A little. I must warn you that the…presence is nearing. You need to prepare yourself.”He stomped his hoof against the gravel.

“Prepare myself for what? What is it? Is it a thing? Or a person?”

“I cannot tell you more than I already have. If I could, I would have by now but it would be interfering. But I need you to heed my warning.”

“Odarum, I’m trying. But it’s kind of hard when I don’t know what I’m preparing for or when to expect it.”I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.“I will train with you all day tomorrow, but other than that, I don’t know what more you expect me to do.”I looked back up to my Spirit guardian. I knew hewas doing everything he could and that he was likely telling me more than he should have.

He bobbed his head.“Thank you. I will see you at dawn.”

Then he disappeared.

Chapter Forty-Nine


Odarum worked me into the ground for two days straight. But I could see the results from the past few weeks of near constant training. I was getting stronger and stronger every day, with my magic and my wings. I could disappear from sight without a second thought, and I was able to get airborne so long as I had a running start. And now, I could combine them.

As I took my final run for the day, I honed my invisibility, thrusting my wings out and taking to the sky. I climbed higher and higher in the air, feeling the crisp breeze across my wings.

No view could compare to what I saw. The mountains, theworld, were beneath me.

I looked over my shoulder when I heard a whinny, just in time to see Odarum soaring past. Right as he was beside me, I became visible again. He jolted and flapped his wings back with a roar. I threw my head back and laughed.

Odarum chuckled.“Well done Kya. You have improved greatly.”

“Does this mean I get the afternoon off? It’s Nailu tonight.”We banked to turn back toward the palace.


“Are you coming? Do Spirits even celebrate Nailu?”I tilted my head slightly.

“In our own way. It is the night of mating,”he said.

I tried not to grimace at the mental image.

I closed my eyes, feeling the wind against my face and the peace and freedom of being in the air.

“Kya?”Odarum said after a few moments.

“Hmm?”I kept my eyes closed. I loved this feeling.

“You should pay more attention.”

My eyes shot open, in fear that I was about to fly straight into a mountainside, but there was nothing but the skies before me. The next second, I was being pulled upward and spinning. Odarum’s deep laugh sounded in my head—I had never heard him laugh before—as a scream ripped from my chest and turned into a thrilled squeal.

My shadow.

Ryker had come from beneath me and was holding me against him with the biggest smile on his face.

“Shift your wings away, little gem,” he whispered against my ear.

When I did, Ryker readjusted his hold of me so that my legs were wrapped around his shirtless waist and my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers in the hair on the back of his head. The feel of his bare skin beneath me made the bond thrum. I looked back down to where Odarum was, just in time to see him Travel away. Ryker began to slowly descend, beating his wings just enough to keep us from dropping too quickly.