Page 142 of Worthy of Fate

“What for?” She sat forward and closed the book, resting her arms across it.

“I want to ask her how she did this shit and what all of this means. And by Gods, I want to know if she knows how to reverse it.”

“And what makes you think she’s going to tell you anything? Hakoa has had her for weeks doing Gods-know-what to her and she hasn’t talked.”

I shrugged. “Maybe since she has some sort of vendetta against me and Ryker, she’ll speak to one of us. And we bothknow that if Ryker goes in there, he’ll likely kill her for what she’s done to his Nation.”

“HisNation?” Malina gave me a pointed look and my brows creased. She sighed. “You keep sayinghisNation,hispeople. But from how I see it? It’s yours too. Or will be. Not only are you Worthy but you’re mated to it’s Lord.”

“Not yet. Not fully.”

“Explain that to me. Why haven’t you fucked him yet? I’d kill to bang a Worthy!”

I snorted a laugh. “There’s an entire panel who have threatened our lives if we do. And, because there’s still the chance that we’re wrong about Vicria, and we don’t want to risk, oh I don’t know, the death of his people.”


“Shut up.” I smiled.

We fell quiet for a few moments.

“Do you think he’ll let them in?” Malina asked softly. She was looking out the window.

“I’m not sure. I’m hoping I don’t have to risk asking. If I’m successful in my task, I won’t need to.” I glanced down at my lap.

“Is that what you want?”

My head shot up and I stared at her in disbelief. “Of course it’s what I want,” I said in a raised whisper.

“But you’ll have to choose. Won’t you?”

“I don’t know, Mal. It’s not like there’s a manual for this kind of situation. And right now, I only have one option so I don’t have to worry about choosing at the moment. I can’t solve a problem before there is one.”

“Wrong. You plan for every contingency. You’ve at least thought of it and played out the various ways this could go. It’s one of the annoying things I adore about you.” The side of her mouth quirked up.

I rolled my eyes and tried to hide a smile.

“Well, I heard about this Nailu party thing and I didn’t bring anything worthwhile to wear. We’re done with translations today, so let’s skip out on sparring and go into the city to do some shopping.” She stood from her chair.

“Mal, you hate shopping,” I chuckled.

“So do you but that doesn’t solve my problem. Come on. Let’s go find something that’s going to get us both laid.” She skipped to the door and I followed as we giggled down the corridor.

“I’ll meet you out front. I’m going to let Ryker know I’ll be in the city,” I said once we got to the staircase.

She rolled her eyes. “Ugh. Mates.”

She went down the staircase and I placed my hand on the stone wall. I could feel him up on the upper level in his study with others in there that I thought could be his brother and someone else I didn’t recognize the feel of. I dashed up the stairs, taking two at a time, and down the corridor, eager to meet back up with Malina and explore more of the city. The door to Ryker’s personal study was open, and I slowed my pace as I entered. Mavris was standing next to Ryker, patting him on the shoulder with a broad smile next to Arra.

“Hi,” I said in greeting.

“Kya,” Ryker said, leaving his brother’s side and walking over to me.

He smiled down at me and brushed my loose hair behind my ear. Being apart from him all day made the bond tense but the proximity settled it and I released a silent sigh. His silver eyes held a look of longing that made my heart swell.

I smiled brightly at him before looking over at the other two. “Hey Mavris. Arra. How are you?”

He smiled warmly. “Hi Kya. I’m doing well. And please, call me Mav. I justcame by to—”