Page 139 of Worthy of Fate

He gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head. “Then we’ll wait until we’re certain.”


“Finish eating. We’ll worry about this again in the morning. But for now, there’s somewhere I’d like to take you.”

“Where?” I asked with a mouthful. I had pretty much lost my appetite, but I forced myself to eat a few more bites.

“Saabha. It’s one of the smaller towns in the northwestern region of the mountains. It’s not that far from here.”

I had never heard of it, but I was intrigued and up for a late night trip. I swallowed my food and pushed my plate away. “And how will we get there?” I had a feeling I already knew and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

Ryker’s lips spread into a wide grin. “Well, you need to practice feeling the wind on your face.”

I groaned.

It’s going to be so cold.

I was right. It was freezing this high up and the chilled night air cut right to my bones. I was thankful for the warm clothing while flying. Ryker held me as we soared over the mountaintops, gripping me under my knees and back. The night sky was sprinkled with soft clouds, illuminated by the waning moons on the horizon and the stars. Regardless of the cold, I loved it up there. I felt free from everything.

Ryker was right, it wasn’t far when flying, but I couldn’t imagine how long it would take to travel on the ground, winding through the mountainous terrain. By the time we landed on the outskirts of Saabha, I felt frozen. Ryker shifted away his wings in the darkness of the night before he took my hand and led me into the town. Though the nights were growing longer with the winter season, it was still relatively early in the evening. People were still bustling around shops and other businesses along the gravel streets.

“Where are you taking me exactly?” I asked, pressed into his side for warmth as we walked, and he put his arm around my waist to hold me closer. I could feel the heat emanating from him and I stopped shivering.

“I wanted to get you something, so I had some new daggers and arrows commissioned for you.”

“Really? You didn’t have to do that. But why all the way out here? Aren’t there blacksmiths back in Voara?” I looked up at him.

“Yes, there are. But the wielder here… Well, lets just say that I wanted a special touch for these,” he said with a smirk.

I didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, but I took the hint that it was a surprise and let it be as we continued our leisurely stroll through the town.

We approached a building with a metal sign outside that said ‘Brathir’s’ with two crossed axes below it. Ryker opened the door and I could feel the sweltering heat on my face. It was small, as far as forges went, but beautiful metalwork and weapons of every kind were mounted on the walls. The wooden door slammed shut behind us and I began to sweat from the heat of the place.

I looked around and all the breath released from my lungs. Not from the heat. But from who was hammering at a stick of hot metal. Shirtless, his Trial mark was missing and he looked stronger. Sweat dripped from his head as he worked. Tears threatened to burst from my eyes.

“Njall…” I whispered in disbelief.

At the sound of his name, Njall turned his head to look at us. His face lifted into a smile and his eyes began to glisten. He set down whatever he was working on and rushed over, stopping in front of us.

“Lord Ryker,” Njall bowed his head.

Ryker bowed his head back with a grin on his face. He knew. He did this. For me. My mate had tracked down another male for me.

“Kya!” Njall’s large frame wrapped around mine as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around, making me giggle.

Ryker made a noise somewhere between a growl and cough.

Njall set me down with the biggest smile I had ever seen and braced his hands on my shoulders.

I noticed Ryker’s hands curl into fists out of the corner of my eye, before he shoved them into his pockets. While he did this for me, I knew it took great strength for him to watch another male touch his mate. I mouthed ‘I belong to you’, and his tension lessened a little.

“I heard you were Worthy, but I wasn’t able to find out where you had gone,” Njall said.

“I just can’t believe you’re alive.” Tears streaked down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away.

“I’m alive, Roav. All thanks to you.”

“And I’d be dead if it wasn’t for you.” I hugged him tightly. I pulled back from him and stepped closer to Ryker.